

单词 to be taken from sth
9.to take sth to sth
(raise, increase)把…提升到…

This takes the number of new jobs created in the region to over 6,000.这使得这个地区的新增就业岗位数量增加到了6,000多个。

10.to take sth from sth
(remove; from drawer, box, cupboard, pocket)把…从…拿走
11.(without permission)挪用;拿走;偷盗

Someone has taken my pen.有人拿走了我的钢笔。

The burglars took everything they could carry.窃贼们盗走了所有拿得动的东西。

12.(capture)+ town, position攻克;夺取;占领;+ prisoners俘获

A Serb army unit took the town.一支塞尔维亚部队攻占了这个镇。

Marines went in, taking 15 prisoners.海军陆战队攻了进去, 抓获了15名俘虏。

Labour took Edgbaston from the Conservatives.工党取代保守党赢得了埃奇巴斯顿选区的支持。

13.to take sth from sth
(deduct, subtract)从…中减去…;从…中扣除…

Take 7 from 12 and you're left with 5.12减7等于5.


I took his knight with the bishop.我用象吃掉了他的马。

15.(put up with)忍受;容忍;承受

In this job you must be able to take criticism.做这份工作, 你必须能够忍受批评。

16.(suffer)(尤指在战争中)遭受, 经受, 蒙受

They have taken heavy casualties.他们伤亡惨重。

17.(need)+ time花费;占用

An appeal could take years.上诉可能需要几年的时间。

The sauce takes about ten minutes to make.配制这种调味汁需要十分钟左右。

This won't take long.这不会花很长时间。

18.(need)+ effort, courage需要

At one time, walking across the room took all her strength.她一度需要用尽全力才能从房间一头走到另一头。

We want to get married. But that takes money.我们想结婚, 但结婚要钱。

19.(accept)+ job, offer, advice接受;采纳

I eagerly took the job.我急切地接受了这份工作。

Take my advice, don't listen to him.接受我的劝告, 别听他的。

I should be foolish if I did not take the opportunity which was being offered to me.如果不抓住这个送上门的机会, 我就是愚蠢透顶。

20.(derive)(从…中)感受到, 获取
21.<尤英>(earn by selling)business, shop, theatre +赚得;挣得

The firm took £100,000 in bookings.这家公司在票务预订方面的收入达到 10 万英镑。

22.(win)+ prize, medal赢得;摘得

Christie took the gold medal in the 100 metres.克里斯蒂在100米比赛中摘得金牌。

23.to be taken from sth
sample, extract +摘自…;取自…

The next excerpt is taken from a recent Scientific American article.下一段摘自最近一期《科学美国人》上的一篇文章。

Her new single is taken from her second album.她的新单曲选自她的第二张专辑。

24.(agree to accept)承担, 承受, 接受(责备、责任或功劳)
25.(agree to deal with)+ clients, patients, students接收;接纳

Dr Albright isn't taking any more patients.奥尔布赖特医生不再接收病人了。

Some universities may have to take more students than they want.有些大学可能不得不超额录取学生。

26.to take a call
(on phone)接听电话

I'm not taking any more calls this afternoon.今天下午我不再接听任何电话了。

27.(react to)对待;看待

How did he take the news?他是如何看待这个消息的?

28.(giving an example)拿…来说;以…为例

Take hotels, for example.以旅馆为例。

If we take mango as an example, the raw fruit is high in vitamin C.我们以杧果为例, 在未经加工时其中的维生素C含量很高。

Taken in isolation these statements can be dangerous.孤立来看的话, 这些说法可能十分危险。

29.(accept as valid)理解;领会;同意
30.to take sth/sb for sth
(assume to be)以为…是…

Do you take me for an idiot?你以为我是个傻瓜吗?

(mistakenly believe to be)误以为…是…

He looked so bedraggled that bystanders took him for a tramp.他看起来蓬头垢面, 旁观者误以为他是个流浪汉。

Who do you take me for?你把我当成什么人了?


'I'll take the grilled tuna,' Mary Ann told the waiter.“我要烤金枪鱼。”玛丽•安对服务员说。

32.(travel along)走(某条道路或路线)

Take the first street on the left.走左边第一条街。

I had to take a different route home.我不得不走另一条路回家。

See take




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