

单词 to be swimming with sth
2.(as sport)游泳

I swim every day and play tennis twice a week.我每天都游泳, 一周打两次网球。

3.head +晕;眩晕

All that dancing has made my head swim.跳了那么多舞之后我感到头晕。

4.room +仿佛在旋转;似乎在摇晃

Alexis suddenly could take no more: he felt too hot, he couldn't breathe, the room swam.阿历克斯突然之间觉得承受不住了:浑身发热, 呼吸困难, 房子似乎在摇晃。

5.to be swimming in sth or to be swimming with sth
(be covered in)+ sauce, oil浸在…之中;泡在…之中

The steak was swimming in thick sauce.牛排浸在浓稠的酱汁之中。

+ tears充满…

His eyes were swimming with tears.他眼中噙满了泪水。

6.<罕>(float)object, substance +漂浮
7.(through air, over surface)(从空中)穿过;(在表面)掠过

a waiter who swam through the air like a fish像条鱼般灵活穿行的一名服务员

8.to be swimming in sth
(have a lot of)+ money, applications拥有大量的某物

Places like the North-East are swimming in timber.像东北这样的地方木材资源十分丰富。

See swim




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