

单词 to be on the run from sth
on the run
(from the authorities)在逃;东躲西藏
to be on the run from sth躲避某事
to go on the run在逃

She skipped bail and went on the run for nine months.她在保释期间脱逃, 已在逃9个月。

(retreating in contest)落败;节节败退
to have sb on the run彻底打败某人

I knew I had him on the run.我知道我彻底打败了他。

(continuously active)在奔忙;忙碌着

She's on the run from the moment she arrives at the office till the moment she leaves.她从踏进办公室到离开办公室, 一直在忙。

See run




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