

单词 to be nothing to sb
7.all or nothing要么彻底干完, 要么根本不干
8.to be nothing like …
(be far from)远非…;完全不…;绝对不…

That box is no good. It's nothing like big enough.那个盒子一点也不好。它根本不够大。

(not resemble)一点也不像

That's not Jim in the photo. It looks nothing like him.照片上的不是吉姆。看起来一点也不像他。

9.to be nothing to sb
(be of no concern to)对某人来说无关紧要;与某人无关
10.to be nothing to sth
(be less in comparison to)无法与…相提并论;不能与…相比

Julia has a nice house, but it's nothing to Leila's.朱莉娅有栋不错的房子, 但不能与利拉的房子相媲美。

See nothing




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