

单词 to be normal practice
to be normal practice or to be standard practice or to be common practice是常规做法;是标准做法;是通常做法

The transcript is full of codewords, which is standard practice in any army.抄本上满是代码, 这种做法是所有军队的惯例。

It is normal practice not to reveal details of a patient's condition.不透露患者病情的细节是惯常的做法。

It's normal practice for your work to be checked by a supervisor.上级对你的工作进行检查是很正常的做法。

Perhaps it is common practice in your country, but it is certainly not so in ours.这在你们国家也许是司空见惯的做法, 但在我们国家并非如此。

See practice




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