

单词 to be in evidence
1.(grounds for belief)根据;证明;证据

We found his evidence unconvincing.我们认为他的证据不足信。

people who seem willing to ignore the evidence of their senses似乎想要故意无理取闹的人们

There is no evidence to support this theory.没有证据可以支持这个理论。


Tests to date had found no evidence of this disease in sheep.到目前为止的试验还没有发现羊得这种病的迹象。

3.【律】(against defendant)证据

He tried to destroy the evidence.他试图销毁证据。

Detectives found valuable evidence in the flat.警探在公寓发现了有价值的证据。

4.【律】(testimony; before court, commission)证言;证词

In his evidence, he admitted speeding.他在证词中承认自己超速行驶。

5.to be in evidence

Poverty and bad housing conditions are still very much in evidence.贫穷和住房条件恶劣的问题还是很突出。

Her new ring was in evidence.她的新戒指很显眼。

Few soldiers were in evidence.很少能看到士兵。

See evidence




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