

单词 to be good

We had a really good time together.我们一同度过了一段非常愉快的时光。

2.(of high quality)好的;优质的

It's a very good film.这是一部非常好的电影。

You can tell a good wine by its smell.通过气味可以辨别优质葡萄酒。

She speaks very good English.她英语说得很好。

3.(suitable, satisfactory)合适的;恰当的;+ range, selection品质好的;+ price合理的;+ progress, result, outcome良好的

It's a nice hotel with a good variety of facilities.这个旅馆很不错, 设施也比较齐全。

Guinea pigs make good pets.豚鼠做宠物挺好的。

4.(talented)+ musician, teacher, doctor, athlete优秀的;能干的

My husband is a much better cook than me.我丈夫做饭比我强多了。

5.(beneficial)+ luck, fortune好的;有益的
6.(reasonable, sensible)+ idea, decision明智的;有道理的

What a good idea!真是个好主意!

What's the best way to tackle him?用什么办法对付他最好?

Give me one good reason why I should say yes!给我个充分的理由, 为什么我要答应!

7.(accurate)+ guide, indication准确的;精确的

This is a good test of people's suitability for the job.这个测试可以很好地检验人们是否适合这项工作。

8.(appropriate, acceptable)可取的;可接受的;对的

I think it's good that you are taking part.我觉得你参加是对的。

Often it's best to say nothing.通常最好是什么也不说。

9.(morally correct)正直的;高尚的;品行好的

The president is a good man.会长是个好人。

10.(well-behaved)+ child听话的;乖的;+ behaviour, manners有礼貌的

Be a good boy and eat up your broccoli.乖乖听话, 把花椰菜吃了。

Good dog!狗狗真乖!

12.(healthy and attractive)+ complexion, figure健康的;好看的

She has a good figure.她身材很好。

13.(happy)+ mood, humour, temper快乐的;愉快的
14.to be good or to feel good
(be physically well)感觉舒服

I don't feel too good.我感觉不太舒服。

He's feeling much better today.他今天感觉好多了。

15.(considerable)+ range, selection可观的;相当大的
16.(convenient)+ moment, time, opportunity方便的;合适的

When would be a good time to call?什么时间打电话比较合适?

It was too good an opportunity to miss.那是一次不应该错过的极好机会。

17.(indicating the better of two)(两者中)较好的, 正常的

He can hear quite well with his good ear.他用那只好耳朵能听得很清楚。

18.(fine)+ weather晴朗的

The weather will be better at the weekend.天气到周末会转好。

19.(fertile)+ earth, land, soil肥沃的
20.<口>(well, fine)挺好的;不错的

How are you?—I'm good. How are you?你好吗?——我挺好的, 你好吗?

Would you like some more coffee?—I'm good, thanks.想再来点咖啡吗?——不用了, 谢谢。


I've given it a good clean.我把它好好洗了洗。

22.(legally valid)+ ticket, voucher有效的;真的

She comes from a good family.她家世良好。

24.(commercially sound)+ investment, risk稳健的

If your credit is good, finding cheap car loans won't be difficult.如果你的信用良好, 获得廉价的汽车贷款不会很难。

25.(not decayed)+ food完好的;未腐败的

The serve was good.发球有效。

See good




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