

单词 to be going to do sth
1.(move or travel)

We went to Rome.我们去了罗马。

I'm going to the cinema tonight.我今晚要去看电影。

This bus goes into the town centre.这辆公共汽车开往市中心。

Shall we go by car or by train?我们坐汽车还是乘火车去?

We went there on foot.我们是步行到那里去的。


Where's Frank?—He's already gone.弗兰克在哪里?——他已经走了。

I'm going now.我要走了。

Let's go.我们走吧。

3.(in order to do something)去(做某事)
4.to go to sth

He used to go to weekly meetings of the local history society.他过去一直参加当地历史协会的每周例会。

5.(lead)road +通向

This route goes past the lake.这条路线经过那个湖。

There's a road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook.有一条路从布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克。


How did it go at the hairdresser's?理发店情况怎么样?

How is it going?近来怎么样?

The lecture went badly.讲座进行得很糟糕。

She says everything is going smoothly.她说一切进展顺利。

7.(become)(作连系动词, 后接形容词)变为, 变得

He'll go crazy when he finds out.他发现真相后会发疯的。

The firm has gone out of business.公司已经停业了。

8.(describing clothing or state)(作连系动词, 后接形容词)处于
9.(function)device, machine +工作;运转

My car won't go.我的车动不了了。

10.time +过去;流逝

The time went quickly.时间过得很快。

The weeks go so slowly!这几个星期过得真慢!

11.(fail)part of engine, light bulb +出毛病;坏掉;memory, eyesight, hearing +衰退;退化
12.(be spent)(钱)被用在

I don't know where all my savings went.我不知道我所有的积蓄都花在了哪里。

13.to be going to do sth
(indicating the future)打算做某事;即将做某事

I'm going to do it tomorrow.我打算明天做这个。

It's going to be difficult.这会比较难。

I think it's going to rain.我觉得要下雨了。

See go




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