

单词 to be down with sth
4.(below the surface)在表面之下

Miners have cut a new shaft 400 metres down.矿工们在地下 400 米处开凿了一口新矿井。

5.(onto a surface)(从上方)至表面

Danny put down his glass.丹尼放下了玻璃杯。

6.(in a helpless position)处于无助境地

They had him down on the ground.他们把他放倒在地上。

7.(further south)向南方;在南方

They live down in London.他们住在伦敦南部。

8.(lower in value, amount, etc)(价值、数量等)由高到低, 向较低水平

Interest rates came down today.利率今天下调了。

Inflation will be down to 3%.通货膨胀率将降到3%。

The Dow Jones industrial average is down 5 points at 2,913.道琼斯工业平均指数下跌了 5 个点, 收于 2,913 点。

9.(indicating lowering or destruction)(因拆除、毁坏等)倒下

One of the columns of the temple had been knocked down.这个寺庙的一根柱子已经拆掉了。

The council estate will be pulled down as part of a £140m regeneration scheme.这个市建住房群将被拆掉, 这是投资1.4亿英镑的复兴计划的一部分。

10.down in sth
(in more remote area)在那边的…;在远处的…

down in the country在那边的乡村里

down in Somerset在遥远的萨默塞特


England are two goals down.英格兰队落后两个球。

12.(as a deposit)(购物付款)以支付现金形式, 作为定金

I had to pay £200 down.我只好付了200英镑定金。

13.to be down with sth

One of the office girls was down with the flu.办公室里的一个女孩子患流感病倒了。

14.<英>(away)(某些大学教职员)不在学校, 在度假
See down




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