单词 | bed |
释义 | bed¹ 1.(to sleep on)床 She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed.她走进卧室, 躺在床上。 in bed在床上;在被窝里 She lay in bed for a time, listening to the silence.她在床上躺了一会儿, 倾听寂静中的声响。 to be in bed上床睡觉 By the time we got back, Nona was already in bed.等到我们回来时, 诺娜已经睡觉了。 to go to bed就寝;睡觉 We finally went to bed at about 4am.我们终于在凌晨4点左右睡觉了。 to put sb to bed + child安顿某人睡觉 When she had gone Sam and Robina put the children to bed.她走了之后, 萨姆和罗比娜安顿孩子们睡了。 to take to your bed (because ill)卧床养病;卧病在床 Alfred decided that he had pleurisy and took to his bed.艾尔弗雷德判定自己有胸膜炎, 于是开始卧床养病。 2.(mattress and bedclothes)卧具;床垫;被褥;床上用品 to make the bedorto make a bedorto make sb's bed铺床 Twenty-nine years old and his mother still makes his bed for him.他都29岁了, 他妈妈还替他铺床。 3.(sleep)就寝;睡觉;休息 It's time for bed.到睡觉时间了。 4.+of person睡眠处;休息场所;+of dog, cat卧躺处;憩息处 5.(unit; in hospital, hotel)床位 the shortage of hospital beds医院床位的短缺 6.<非正式>(place for sex)发生性关系的地方;交欢处 to be in bed with sb (having sex)和某人发生性关系;和某人上床 Mrs Leeming was in bed with the lodger.利明夫人与房客上了床。 to be good in bed lover +床上功夫好 My next boyfriend was a reliable person, but not very good in bed.我的后一任男友很可靠, 但是床上功夫不太好。 7.<非正式>(sex)性交;房事 to go to bed with sb (have sex)与某人发生性关系 He claimed he had never gone to bed with her.他宣称从未与她发生过性关系。 to get sb into bed (have sex with sb)说服某人发生性关系 He had not tried to get her into bed on the first night.第一夜, 他没有试图诱她上床。 8.+of flowers坛;+of fruit, vegetables圃;+of reeds塘 a flower bed一个花坛 The geraniums in the flower bed looked bedraggled from the heavy rain.花坛里的天竺葵看起来被暴雨浇湿了。 beds of strawberries and rhubarb草莓圃和大黄圃 9.+of coal, clay层 a thin bed of clay薄薄的黏土层 a sandstone bed砂岩层 10.+of sea, lake底;+of river床 on the sea bed在海底 the bare bed of a dry stream干涸溪流的光秃河床 11.(producing shellfish)(牡蛎、贻贝等的)贝类养殖场 Fishermen fear valuable oyster and mussel beds could be decimated.渔民们害怕价值很高的牡蛎和贻贝养殖场会被破坏。 12.+of rice, mashed potato底 Heat the curry thoroughly and serve it on a bed of rice.充分加热咖喱菜肴, 然后把它浇在米饭上食用。 13.【建】+of road, railway路基;路床 14.【建】(layer of mortar)(砌墙的)砂浆层, 灰浆层 15.【建】+of brick, tile, slate(固定到位的)底层, 底面 16.【印】+of letterpress平台;床台;印版台 17.【化】(layer of particles)(用作吸收剂、催化剂或试剂的)致密物质 18.【工】+of machine底盘;底座 idiom bed² ◆to be brought to bed<古>分娩;临盆 ◆a bed of roses (easy situation)称心如意的境遇;安乐窝;温床 The voyage had been no bed of roses; quite a few had not survived the trip.那次航行可没有那么舒适愉快, 很多人没有活下来。 ◆to go to bed【传媒,印】newspaper, magazine +付印 ◆to have got out of bed on the wrong side<非正式>从早上醒来就心情不好 ◆to have made your bed and have to lie in it事情是某人犯下的, 某人就得承担后果 He's made his bed, now he has to lie in it.事情是他做的, 他就得承担后果。 ◆to put a paper to bed【传媒,印】定稿 🄰 vt. 1.(have sex with)与…发生性关系 Devereux had been bedding the boss's wife!德弗罗和老板的妻子在偷情! 2.(embed)把…固定;把…嵌入;埋置 3.【园艺】(plant)把…植入花坛(或苗床、圃) 🄱 vi. 【地质】rock +成层 Phrasal Verbsbed down,bed in |
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