单词 | time |
释义 | time¹ 1.(past, present and future)时间;光阴 Attitudes change over time.态度会随着时间推移而发生变化。 as time went on随着时间流逝 Time passes.光阴飞逝。 to spend time in/at/on sth在…上花时间 to spend time with sb花时间和某人在一起 to spend time doing sth花时间做某事 to spend your time doing sth花时间做某事 She spends most of her time looking after the kids.她大部分时间都花在照看孩子上了。 2.(by the clock)(钟表显示的)时间, 时刻, 钟点 The time is 7.28.现在的时间是7点28分。 arrival/departure time到达∕离开时间 Shall I ring you later to let you know my arrival time?我稍后给你打电话告诉我的到达时间怎么样? What time is it?现在几点了? What time do you make it?你觉得现在几点了? Have you got the time, please?请问你知道现在几点吗? what time does sb do sth?某人什么时候做某事? What time do you get up?你几点钟起床? at what time?orat what time of day?在什么时间?在一天的什么时候? to ask sb the time问某人时间 3.(in a particular region)(地球上某个区域的)时间 Eastern Standard Time东部标准时间 It was two o'clock, French time.当时是法国时间两点钟。 local time当地时间 4.(a length of time)(一段)时间;时段 I need time to think.我需要时间考虑。 Thank you for your time.谢谢您抽出时间。 a long time很长一段时间 Did you have to wait a long time for a bus?你乘公交汽车要等很长时间吗? a short time很短的一段时间;一会儿 for a long time很久 Have you lived here for a long time?你在这里住了很久? For a long time I didn't tell anyone.很长时间我都没告诉任何人。 time's up!时间到! to have timeorto have the time有时间 I'd like to speak to you, if you have the time.如果你有时间, 我想和你谈一谈。 I'm sorry, I haven't got time.很抱歉, 我没有时间。 I haven't got much time.我没有多少时间。 to have time for sthorto have the time for sth有…的时间 to have time to do sthorto have the time to do sth有做某事的时间 5.some time (a fairly long interval)一些时间 It may take some time to get the data.获得那些数据可能需要一些时间。 after a timeorafter some time过了一段时间 After some time she heard the front door close.过了一会儿她听到前门关上了。 for a timeorfor some time(持续)一段时间;一度 For a time neither of us spoke.有一段时间我们两个谁都不说话。 6.(point in time)时候;时间点 By this time, he was nearly thirty.这时他将近30岁了。 at that time在那时;当时 at a time when …在…的时候 a time of sth…的时候 at a time of growing political unrest在政治动荡日益加剧的时期 the time has come to do sth到了该做某事的时候了 7.(historical era)历史时期;时代;年代 the time of sb/sth…的那个年代 in the time of Christopher Columbus在克里斯托弗•哥伦布的那个时代 in sb's time在某人的那个时代 in Queen Victoria's time在维多利亚女王时代 8.sb's time (period in someone's past)某人的(某一段)时期 an account of his time as a White House staffer关于他担任白宫记者期间的一段记述 in sb's time在某人一生(或职业生涯)中 She had been a great star in her time.她当年是个大明星。 9.(experience)(经历的)一段时间;时光 to have a good time玩得高兴;过得愉快 Have a good time!祝你玩得高兴! I had a great time while the kids were away.孩子们不在时我度过了一段美好时光。 I had a terrible time trying to get the kids to bed.把孩子们弄上床睡觉费了我很大的劲儿。 to be having a hard time经历艰难时刻;日子不好过 The snow meant people had a hard time getting to work.这场雪意味着人们上班的路很难走。 10.your time (lifetime)生命期;时限;期限 in my time在我有生之年 if I had my time againorif I had my time over again如果我能重活一次 11.(indicating a suitable moment)合适的时间;时机 This isn't a good time to ask her.这不是问她的好时机。 Is this a bad time?这个时机不合适吗? time for sth…的合适时间 It's time for action!是行动的时候了! it is time to do sth是该做…的时候了 It's time to go.该走了。 it is time for sb to do sth是某人该做某事的时候了 12.(occasion)(某事发生的)时间点, 时候 There are times when I feel like hitting him.有些时候我真想揍他一顿。 It reminds me of the time my daughter was ill.这让我想起我女儿生病的时候。 another time在另外一个时间 any time (in offers, invitations)任何时间;随时 Come and see us any time.随时都可以来看我们。 how many times … ?…多少次? How many times do I have to tell you?我要告诉你多少次才行啊? the first time (that) …第一次… Is this the first time you've flown?这是你第一次飞行吗? the last time (that) …最后一次… the last time I saw her我最后一次见到她 next time下一次 this time这一次 13.(indicating frequency)次;遍;回 Take one tablet three times a day.一天三次, 每次一片。 14.【体】(recorded time)赛跑成绩 She recorded a time of 2 minutes 8.74 seconds.她取得了2分8秒74的成绩。 15.【音】节拍;拍子 music written in three-four time四分之三拍的音乐 16.(duration)所需时间;占用时间 The flight time from New York to London was seven hours.从纽约到伦敦的飞行时间是七小时。 17.(of death, childbirth)重要时刻;(尤指)产期, 死期 He felt his time had come.他感觉自己的大限将至。 She was very near her time.她快要临产了。 18.【音】=time value 19.(rate of pay)计时工资(率) time and a half平时一倍半的工资 Weekend work is usually paid at time and a half.周末工作通常拿一倍半的工资。 double time双倍工资 20.your time【军】(period of service; in armed forces)服役期 He was coming to the end of his time and looking forward to being back in civilian life.他服役即将期满, 期待回归平民生活。 【行业】(as apprentice)学徒期 21.<非正式>(in jail)刑期 time served【律】已服刑期 to do time<非正式>服刑;坐牢 He did his time and was released in January 1975.他坐了牢, 1975年1月被释放。 22.【诗】莫勒;短音节单位 See alsotimes¹ 23.about time<口>是时候了;早该…了 And about time too!也是时候了! it's about time!早该如此! it's about time (that) …早就应该… It's about time he learnt to behave properly.他早就应该学学规矩了。 24.against time争分夺秒地 25.ahead of time提前;提早 Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.要提前搞清楚哪些规定适用你的情况。 26.ahead of your timeorbefore your time(思想、理念等)领先于时代, 超越时代, 开风气之先 He was ahead of his time in employing women.他雇用女性员工, 开风气之先。 27.all in good time不消多久 I can't wait to be grown up.—All in good time.我等不及想要马上长大。——你很快就会长大的。 28.all the time一直;总是 We can't be together all the time.我们不能始终在一起。 I get the two of them mixed up all the time, they're so similar.我一直把他们俩弄混, 他俩太像了。 29.at any time任何时候;随时 The attack could come at any time.随时可能发起攻击。 30.at one time曾经;一度 At one time this factory employed 400 people.这家工厂曾经雇用过400名员工。 31.at the same time (simultaneously)同时 I can't cook a big dinner and look after the kids at the same time!我无法在准备一顿大餐的同时还照看孩子! (nevertheless)但是 I was afraid of her, but at the same time I really liked her.我很怕她, 但我也真的很喜欢她。 32.at a time每次;一次 Beat in the eggs, one at a time.打入鸡蛋, 每次一个。 One at a time, please. Don't all speak at once.请一个一个说, 不要同时开口。 33.to beat time【音】打拍子;击打节拍 34.before sb's time (before someone was born)在某人出生之前;在某人懂事之前 That was a bit before my time.那是在我懂事之前的事了。 (before someone's arrival)在某人到来之前 Do you know that guy John who used to work here, or was that before your time?你认识曾经在这儿工作的约翰吗, 还是你来之前他就走了? 35.before your time (prematurely)过早地 She died before her time of a dreadful illness.她过早地死于一种可怕的疾病。 36.behind time晚了;延迟 The project is pretty much on budget and only a little behind time.这个项目预算控制得很好, 进度上也仅仅有一点点延迟。 37.to be no time to do sth不是做某事的时候 This is no time to make a long speech.现在不是发表长篇大论的时候。 by the time …orby the time that …到…的时候 By the time that we arrived, the party was nearly over.等我们赶到时, 聚会已接近尾声。 38.to call time on sth<英>终止某事;结束某事 They really ought to call time on this dispute as it is getting them nowhere.他们真的应该结束这场毫无意义的争论。 39.to find timeorto find the time找时间;抽空 He struggled to find time for studying after work.他下班后努力挤时间学习。 40.for all time适合于任何时期;永远 Sadly, madness has always been here, and it will remain so for all time.可悲的是, 疯狂之事一直存在, 而且将永远存在下去。 Shakespeare's works were said to be not of a particular era, but for all time.人们说莎士比亚的作品不属于某一个时代, 而是属于所有时代。 41.for the time being目前;暂时 It's working well enough for the time being, but it will have to be properly fixed soon.它现在暂时还能正常使用, 但是过不了多久就要好好修理一下了。 The situation is calm for the time being.局势暂时稳定。 42.from time to time偶尔;间或;不时 Her daughters visited him from time to time when he was ill.他生病后她的女儿们时常去探望他。 43.given time(假以时日)终归 Tina believed that, given time, her business would become profitable.蒂娜相信, 她的生意假以时日一定会赢利的。 44.to have a lot of time for sb/sth<非正式>喜欢…;赞赏… I have a lot of time for the French.我很喜欢法国人。 45.to have no time for sb/sth不喜欢…;不赞成… She has no time for lazy people.她很讨厌懒人。 46.in good time提早;提前 We'll be back in good time for dinner.我们会提早回来吃晚饭的。 I'll be home in good time to put the kids to bed.我会提前回家安顿孩子们睡觉。 47.in the nick of timeSeenick¹ 48.in no timeorin next to no time立刻;马上;随即 It took next to no time to find the culprit.一转眼就找到了罪魁祸首。 49.in your own time (at your own pace)在自己方便时;在自己准备好时 Now, in your own time, tell me what happened.嗯, 你准备好的时候就告诉我发生了什么。 <英>(in your free time)在业余时间;有空时 If I choose to work on other projects in my own time, then I say that is my business.如果我选择在业余时间做其他项目, 那么这是我自己的事。 50.in time (not too late)及时 Help arrived just in time.帮助来得正是时候。 We arrived in time for lunch.我们及时到达, 赶上了吃午饭。 We got there in time to catch the plane.我们及时到了那里, 赶上了那班飞机。 【音】合拍;按照节奏 Her body swayed in time with the music.她的身体随着音乐的节奏来回晃动。 Some of the children were clapping in time to the music.其中一些孩子在随着音乐拍手。 (eventually)一段时间以后;最终 He'll talk her round in time.他最终会说服她的。 51.in a week's/month's/year's etc time一周∕一月∕一年等之后 Elections will be held in ten days' time.选举将于十天后举行。 52.it is high time …早就该…了;是时候…了 It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.早该从全球视角考虑这个问题了。 53.it's only a matter of timeorit's only a question of time这只是时间问题 It's only a matter of time before they find out.他们早晚会发现, 这只是时间问题而已。 54.to keep time clock +准时;走得准 【音】(sing or play in time)保持合拍 (indicate the beat)打拍子;打节奏 As he sang he kept time on a small drum.他边唱边敲小鼓打拍子。 55.to lose time (fall behind)浪费时间;耽误时间 They lost time through not having a backup plan ready.他们由于没有备用计划而耽误了时间。 (clock)(钟表)走得慢 If your watch is losing time, it's a good indication that your battery is at the end of its life.如果你的手表越走越慢, 就很可能意味着你的电池寿命到头了。 56.to make good time(路上)花的时间比预期的少 They had left early in the morning, on quiet roads, and had made good time.他们一大早出发, 一路上人车稀少, 走得比预期快多了。 57.to make time抽空;挤时间;抽出时间 Before leaving the city, be sure to make time for a shopping trip.离开那座城市前, 一定要留出时间去购物。 I think you should always make time to see your friends.我认为无论何时你都应该抽时间去看望朋友们。 58.to make time with sb<美,非正式>勾引某人 A couple of blondes had been trying to make time with him at the bar.两个金发女郎在酒吧试图勾引他。 59.to make up for lost time弥补失去的时间 Now we'll have to work twice as hard to make up for lost time!现在我们得加倍努力工作, 以弥补损失的时间! 60.to mark timeSeemark³ 61.nine times out of tenorninety-nine times out of a hundred十有八九;几乎总是 When they want something, nine times out of ten they get it.他们想要什么, 十之八九都会得到。 62.not before time<英>姗姗来迟;早该发生 The virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time.这种病毒正受到越来越多的关注, 其实早该如此。 63.of all time有史以来;迄今为止 This is my favourite song of all time.这首歌曲一直是我的最爱。 64.on your own time<美>在业余时间;在空闲时间 65.on time (not late)准时 Don't worry, she'll be on time.别担心, 她会准时的。 【金融】<美>分期付款的 an on-time fee分期支付的费用 66.out of time【音】不合节拍;不合节奏 We were standing onstage playing completely out of time.我们站在台上, 完全不合节拍地演奏着。 67.over time随着时间的推移;久而久之 The social significance of religion has changed over time.宗教的社会意义随着时间的流逝已经发生了变化。 68.to pass the time打发时间;消磨时光 Without particular interest and just to pass the time, I read a story.并非有什么特别的兴趣, 仅仅为了消磨时间, 我读了一篇故事。 69.to pass the time of day寒暄;小叙 I was just passing the time of day with a neighbour.我当时正在和一位邻居寒暄。 70.to play for time(为争取时间)故意拖延 They don't have a strategy, they're simply playing for time.他们没有什么策略, 只是在故意拖延时间。 71.to serve your time (as prisoner)服刑;坐牢 He put in a request to serve his time in a prison nearer to his family home.他请求在离他家更近的监狱服刑。 (as apprentice)当学徒;做徒弟 a miner's family, with one boy down the mine, another serving his time in a shop一个儿子在矿井工作、另一个儿子在店铺学徒的矿工家庭 72.to take time花费时间;耗时 It takes time to get to know someone.了解一个人是需要时间的。 73.to take your time不慌不忙;从容进行;慢慢来 You took your time!你太慢吞吞了! They took their time choosing furnishings.他们不慌不忙地挑选家居装饰用品。 74.to tell the time认时间;认钟表 My four-year-old daughter cannot tell the time yet.我四岁大的女儿还不会看表。 75.there is no time to loseorthere is no time to be lost没有时间可耽搁了;必须要抓紧时间了 76.time after timeortime and again一次又一次;屡次;一再 77.time flies时光飞逝;光阴似箭 Time flies when you're having fun.开心的时光总是飞逝而去。 78.the time of your life无比开心的时间 They were having the time of their lives playing around in the snow.他们在雪中玩耍, 玩得无比高兴。 79.time of the monthSeemonth 80.time out of mind<文>很久以前;自古以来 Time out of mind the people of the village had gathered together on this day to give thanks.很多年以前, 这个村的居民就有了在这一天聚集在一起感恩拜谢的习俗。 81.time will tell时间会证明 Only time will tell whether his optimism is justified.只有时间才能证明他的乐观是否有道理。 82.to waste no time抓紧时间;立刻 Tom wasted no time in telling me why he had come.汤姆立即把他来的原因告诉了我。 time²1.(temporal)时间的 Is there a time problem?时间上有问题吗? time travel时间旅行 2.(operating at a set time)定时的 time³ 1.(choose time for)
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