

单词 tie
释义 tie¹ /taɪ/(ties,tying,tied)
🄰 vt.
1.(fasten with a knot)系;捆;绑

Mr Saunders tied her hands and feet.桑德斯先生绑住了她的手脚。

2.(in a particular place or position)将…捆绑;将…绑住
to tie sb to sth把某人绑在某物上

They tied him to a tree.他们把他绑在一棵树上。

to tie sth to sth把某物绑在某物上;将某物系在某物上

He had tied the dog to one of the trees.他把狗绑在其中一棵树上。

I tied a label to my suitcase with my name and address on it.我把一个写着我姓名、地址的标签系在手提箱上。

3.(put something around something else and fasten the ends together)绑好;捆住;系住
to tie sth with sth用某物绑住某物

She tied the parcel with string.她用绳子捆好了包裹。

Roll the meat and tie it with string.把肉卷起来, 用线捆好。

to tie sth over sth把某物系在某物上

She tied her scarf over her head.她把头巾系在头上。

to tie a ribbon around sth为某物系上丝带;在某物上系丝带

Someone had tied a ribbon around the little dog's neck.有人给小狗的脖子上系了一根彩带。

4.+ knot, bow系;拴;扎
+ clothing在某物上打个结;+ hair在某物上打个蝴蝶结

She tied a knot in her scarf.她在头巾上打了个结。

to tie sth in a knot将某物打个结
to tie sth in a bow将某物打个蝴蝶结
5.+ laces系好

He pulled on his heavy suede shoes and tied the laces.他穿上那双重重的绒面革皮鞋, 系好鞋带。

6.(connect, link)连接;联系
to be closely tied具有密切联系;紧密连接在一起
to be tied to sth与某事联系在一起;和某事相关

Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太明确。


I wouldn't like to be tied to catching the last train home.我不想非得赶最后一趟列车回家。

8.<非正式>+ two people使结为夫妻
9.【音】(play two notes as one long note)将(两个相邻的相同音符)演奏为一个音
10.【音】(connect printed notes with curved line)用延音连接线连接(两个音符)
🄱 vi.

He wore a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow.他脖子上围着一长条白色物事, 在前面打了个松垮的结。

2.people, teams +不分胜负;打成平局

They tied three all.他们三局都打平了。

They tied for first place.他们在第一名争夺赛中打成了平局。

to tie with sb与某人打成平局;和某人不分胜负

Bill tied with Margaret for first place.比尔和玛格丽特在争夺第一名的比赛中打成了平手。

3.to be fit to be tied<俚>大怒;非常生气

They tore up the garden, so she's fit to be tied.他们掘了菜园, 她气坏了。

Phrasal Verbstie back,tie down,tie in,tie on,tie together,tie up
tie² /taɪ/ n.
1.(that with which anything is tied)捆绑;打结

Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France.魁北克与法国的关系一向密切。

a tie with sth与某事的联系;与某事的关系

They want to loosen their ties with Britain.他们想疏远与英国的关系。

a tie between sth and sth某事物和某事物之间的联系

I can't find any tie between her and the town.我无法找出她和那座城有任何联系。

family ties亲戚关系;亲属关系
to have family ties somewhere在某处有亲戚

Louise herself had family ties in Nîmes.路易丝本人在尼姆有亲戚。

3.(restriction, restraint)限制;束缚
4.(something that fastens or closes something else)绳;索;线;条

Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.贾森脱掉了外衣, 松开了领带。


The first game ended in a tie.第一局比赛以平局收场。

7.(match that ends in a draw)打平;比分相同
8.【建】(tie beam, tie rod)连系材
9.<英>(game in an eliminating competition)淘汰赛

They'll meet the winners of the first round tie.他们将迎战第一轮淘汰赛中的胜者。

a cup tie杯赛淘汰赛
10.<美,加拿大>=sleeper, 2
12.【测绘】(surveying measurement)连接
13.=bride, 2




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