

单词 beat
释义 beat¹ /biːt/ n.
1.(regular sound)+of heart跳动(声);搏动(声)
+of sea, surf冲击(声)

with every beat of my heart随着我的每次心跳

Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute.多数人的脉搏是每分钟多于70下。

the rhythmic beat of the surf海浪有节奏的拍打声

2.(on drum)敲击;击打

the thunderous beats that accompany a dancer's every movement伴随舞者每一个动作的雷鸣般的鼓声

4.【音】(in bar)节拍;拍子;拍

It's got four beats to a bar.一小节有四拍。


It has a good beat.它的节奏感很强。

He was tapping his foot to the beat.他用脚随着节奏轻轻打拍子。

6.(area)+of policeman巡逻区域;巡逻路线

They go on the beat in two's.他们两个人一组巡逻。

his beat, which includes Brixton他的巡逻区域, 其中包括布里克斯顿

on the beat在巡逻中

The officer on the beat picks up information; hears cries for help; makes people feel safe.巡逻中的警官获取信息, 倾听求救声, 让人们有安全感。

7.【音】(strongly rhythmic music)强节奏的流行音乐(或摇滚音乐)
8.【物】(low regular frequency)(两个频率相似的声音或电信号合在一起时产生的)拍
9.(given to balance wheel)(钟表的擒纵机构对摆轮的)驱动力, 作用力
10.【诗】(in foot)(音步中的)强音, 扬音
12.【射击】(scouring for game)拍打树丛(或草丛)以搜索猎物
13.【射击】+of particular woodland(为惊起猎物)对林区有组织的搜索
14.【射击】(hunting ground)猎物被惊起的林区
15.【击剑】(on opponent's blade)击打
to miss a beat
(miss an opportunity)错失良机

Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models.作为黄金海岸上最出色的模特之一, 斯凯几乎从未错失过任何机会。

without missing a beatornot missing a beat
(unhesitatingly)reply, say +毫不犹豫地;毫不迟疑地

Harrison replied without missing a beat.哈里森毫不迟疑地回答。

beat² /biːt/ adj.
1.【文学】+ poet, poetry“垮掉的一代”的

Her lyrics are influenced by the beat poets, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.她的歌词受到“垮掉的一代”诗人杰克•凯鲁亚克和艾伦•金斯堡的影响。

2.<非正式>(worn out)筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的

I'm beat. I haven't slept well for weeks.我累坏了, 好几周都没有睡好了。

beat³ /biːt/(beats,beating,beat,beaten)
🄰 vt.
1.(hit)+ person(连续地)打, 击, 敲

My wife tried to stop them and they beat her.我妻子试图阻止他们, 却被他们打了。

to beat sb to death将某人打死

They were beaten to death with baseball bats.他们被用棒球棒打死了。

2.(as punishment)(惩罚性地)毒打, 狠揍

His stepfather used to beat him with an iron bar.他的继父过去常用铁条毒打他。

3.(strike)(连续地)冲击, 撞击, 拍打, 拍击

The rain was beating on the windowpanes.雨水敲打着窗玻璃。

4.(flatten)+ metal, meat把…锤平(或锤薄)
5.(cause to sound)+ drum敲响;击打

When you beat the drum, you feel good.打鼓时, 感觉很棒。


Beating their wings they flew off.它们振翅飞走了。

7.【烹】(whip)+ ingredient, mixture用力搅打

Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken.用力搅打鸡蛋和糖至开始变稠。

8.(defeat)+ opponent(在比赛、战斗中)击败, 战胜

It became clear that the Union was not going to beat the government.情况已然明朗, 工会无法战胜政府。

In yesterday's games, Switzerland beat the United States 2–1.在昨天的比赛中, 瑞士队以2比1战胜美国队。

to be beaten into second place屈居第二
9.(surpass)+ record胜过;超过;超越

He was eager to beat the record.他急于打破纪录。

10.(conquer)+ disease, problem战胜;征服;攻克

They recognize that tough action offers the only hope of beating inflation.他们认识到采取强硬的措施是战胜通货膨胀的唯一希望。

Kate Jackson is expecting her first child at 43, two years after beating breast cancer.在战胜乳腺癌两年之后, 凯特•杰克逊在43岁时怀了第一个孩子。

11.<非正式>(be better than)胜过;好过

Nothing quite beats the luxury of soaking in a long, hot bath at the end of a tiring day.没有什么能好过在疲惫的一天结束后泡一个长长的热水澡的奢侈享受了。

(beyond everything)那最棒了
(there's nothing better)没有更好的了

You can't beat soap and water for cleansing.要清洁没有比肥皂和水更好用的了。

it's hard to beat很难超越;没有更好的了

For an evening stroll the beach at Dieppe is hard to beat.没什么比夜晚时分在迪耶普海滩上漫步更惬意的了。

12.+ deadline, rush抢在…之前;比…先到

They were trying to beat the midnight deadline.他们试图抢在午夜截止期限之前完成。

Those who shop on Sunday to beat the rush are wasting their time.那些为了抢在高峰前而于周日购物的人是在浪费时间。

if someone beats you to the last seat on the tube如果有人在你之前抢到地铁上最后一个座位

13.to beat time【音】conductor +打拍子

He beats time with hands and feet.他用手和脚打拍子。


What am I doing wrong, anyway?—Beats me, Lewis.我到底做错什么了?——我不知道, 刘易斯。

How you can be so insensitive absolutely beats me.我真不明白你怎么能这么无情。

15.+ path, track踩出;踏出
16.【射击】+ woodlands, coverts, undergrowth(为惊起猎物而)搜寻
🄱 vi.
1.heart +搏动;跳动

I felt my heart beating faster.我感到心跳加快。

2.(produce sound by hitting)+ drum(连续地)打, 击, 敲
to beat on a drum敲鼓;击鼓
3.(sound)drum +发出敲击声;咚咚作响
drums beating and pipes playing敲鼓吹笛

Its wings beat slowly.它慢慢地拍打翅膀。

5.【物】sounds, signals +产生拍音
6.【海】ship +以“之”字形抢风航行
to beat about the bush旁敲侧击;转弯抹角

Come straight out with it, don't hesitate or beat about the bush.有什么说什么吧, 不要犹犹豫豫、拐弯抹角的。

to beat the bounds【史】<英>巡勘教区边界(旧时为确定教区边界而沿边界游行并用棍棒对边界土地进行敲打)
to beat sb's brains out<俚>重击某人头部致死
to beat your brains out<美,非正式>(rack one's brains)绞尽脑汁;努力思索
to beat your breastSeebreast¹
beat it!<俚>走开!滚开!

Beat it before it's too late.趁还不算太晚, 赶紧滚开。

to beat a retreat
(leave hastily)匆忙撤退;匆忙离开

The visitors beat a hasty retreat.游客们匆匆忙忙地离开了。

to beat sb to it<非正式>抢在某人前面

Mr Fischler beat him to it with a statement announcing his own resignation.菲施勒先生抢在他前面宣布了自己辞职的消息。

can you beat it?orcan you beat that?<俚>你相信吗?你想得到吗?(表示惊奇或惊讶)

Can you beat it; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa.你想得到吗?格雷厄姆•格林在弗里敦而我在非洲的另一边。

if you can't beat them, join them<非正式>如果不能打败他们, 就加入他们
Phrasal Verbsbeat against,beat at,beat back,beat down,beat in,beat off,beat out,beat up,beat up on




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