

单词 throw back
释义 throw back vt. sep.
1.(return)to throw back sth or to throw sth back
+ ball扔回;抛回
2.(reject)to throw back sth or to throw sth back拒绝;送回;还掉
to throw sth back in sb's face当着某人的面拒绝…

My offer of friendship was thrown back in my face.我的示好遭到了当面拒绝。

3.(tilt back)to throw back sth or to throw sth back
+ head, hair使向后;仰起;+ shoulders挺起

Then she throws her head back and laughs loudly, as do I.她随即仰起头哈哈大笑, 我也一样。

Then he set his teeth and threw back his shoulders.然后, 他咬紧牙关, 挺直肩膀。





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