

单词 through
释义 through¹ /θruː/ prep.
1.+ hole, opening, tunnel穿过去;从…的一端到另一端

The train went through a tunnel.这列火车穿过了一条隧道。

The rain poured through a hole in the roof.雨水从屋顶上的一个破洞倾泻而入。

Visitors enter through a side entrance.游客从一扇侧门进入。

2.(while cutting or piercing)(切)开;(割)断;(凿)穿

The helicopter's blades had sliced through power cables.直升机的桨叶割断了输电线。

Rats still manage to gnaw through the cables.老鼠还是咬断了电缆。

3.(while travelling)穿过, 通过(城市、地区或国家)

We have to go right through Birmingham.我们必须直接穿过伯明翰。

The couple drove through the Sahara.那对夫妇驱车穿越了撒哈拉沙漠。

4.(surrounded by)在…之间;在…之中

We made our way through the crowd to the square.我们挤过人群, 来到广场。

He hurried home through the rain.他冒着雨匆匆赶回了家。

We were flying through dense cloud.我们当时正在厚厚的云层中飞行。

5.+ barrier, obstacle通过, 跨越(障碍等)

Allow twenty-five minutes to get through Passport Control.留出25分钟接受护照检查处检查。

6.(into and out of)从(内部)穿过

Barbed wire was strung through the posts around the edge of the field.田边四周的柱子上串上了带刺铁丝。

7.+ system, service经过;通过

electric currents travelling through copper wires通过铜导线的电流

a child's successful passage through the education system一个孩子学业的顺利完成

What a lot of cards you've got through the post!你们收到了多少寄来的贺卡啊!

8.+ window, wall透过, 通过(以看见、听到或感知)

They could hear music through the walls of the house.透过墙壁, 他们能听到音乐声。

Alice gazed pensively through the window.艾丽斯若有所思地凝视着窗外。

9.(everywhere in)(感觉、态度、品质等)遍布, 遍及, 贯穿

A mood of optimism swept through the company.公司上下洋溢着一片乐观情绪。

10.(during all of)自始至终;从头到尾

Trips to the island continue through the year.到该岛的旅行全年都有。

all through sthorall the way through sth在整个…期间

She kept quiet all through breakfast.吃早饭的时候, 她从头到尾一言不发。

halfway through sth在…中途

A competitor collapsed halfway through the marathon.在马拉松比赛进行到一半的时候, 一位参赛者倒下了。

11.<美>(up to and including)直至;一直到

open Monday through Sunday from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm周一到周日每天早晨7点到晚上10点开放

during her busy season (March through June)在她忙碌的时期(从3月一直到6月)

12.(talking about an experience)经历;度过

She had lived through two world wars.她经历了两次世界大战。

Through it all, Mark was outwardly calm.经历了这一切之后, 马克表面上显得很平静。

13.(because of)因为;由于

The discovery of adrenalin came about through a mistake.肾上腺素的发现是源于一次错误。

He had to retire early through ill health.他因健康状况不佳, 不得不提早退休。

14.(by means of)通过;以;用

They were opposed to change through violence.他们反对通过暴力手段实施变革。

I know her through my sister.我是通过我姐姐认识她的。

15.(via)+ person经过;经由

Do I need to go through my doctor or can I make an appointment direct?我是需要通过我的医生预约呢, 还是可以直接预约?

He spoke through an interpreter.他说话时由译员现场翻译。

16.【政】+ parliament, congress(提议、观点等)在…通过

during the passage of the bill through Parliament当法案在议会通过时

17.+ exam, competition通过;在…中胜出

She sailed through her exams.她顺利通过了各门考试。

All the seeded players got through the first round.所有种子选手都闯过了第一轮比赛。

18.(one after the other)对…逐一(检查)

Let's go through the numbers together.我们一起把这些数目过一遍。

When you have finished your list, look through it again.你列出单子后, 从头到尾再看一遍。

19.(from beginning to end)对…从头到尾(阅读)

She read through pages and pages of the music I had brought her.她一页一页地翻看我带给她的乐谱。

She glanced quickly through the document.她快速过目了一遍文件。

through² /θruː/ adv.
1.(to the other side)穿过去;从一端到另一端

The door swung open and he stepped through.门打开了, 他走了进去。

2.(while travelling)(在城市、地区或国家)穿过, 通过

We won't stop – we're just passing through.我们不会停留——我们只是路过。

3.(while surrounded)在中间;从中间

He pushed his way through to the edge of the crowd.他一直挤到人群的边缘。

4.(passing a barrier, obstacle)通过障碍

The border guards waved us through.边防警卫挥手让我们通过了。

5.(in and out)从中穿过

I bored a hole so that the bolt would pass through.我钻了个孔, 好让螺栓穿过去。

6.(without interruption)持续地;不停顿地

the meetings, which will run through till Thursday将持续到星期四的会议

right through一直

I'll be there right through to the summer.我直到夏天一直都将在那儿。

7.(having succeeded)(竞赛等中)取得优胜, 以胜利者身份

Murray now goes through to the next round.现在穆雷成功进入了下一轮。

The professionalism of the entire team has won through.整个团队凭借其专业实力最终胜出。


Sauté the vegetables for approximately 5 minutes until cooked through.把蔬菜煸炒约5分钟直到熟透。

all the way through一直到底;彻底
soaked throughorwet through湿透
9.【政】(提案等在立法机构)获得通过, 得到批准

if the proposals go through如果这些提案获得通过

But critics say the reforms are being rushed through.但批评人士认为这些改革措施都是仓促通过的。

10.(on telephone)(电话)接通, 打通

I'm putting you through now.我这就给你接通电话。

to be through to sb/sth接通到某人∕某地
11.straight through
(without stopping)径直;不间断地

He went straight through to the kitchen.他径直走到厨房。

I slept straight through till 4 p m.我一直睡到下午4点。

12.through and through里里外外;彻彻底底

He's bad through and through.他从里到外都坏透了。

I know him through and through.我对他了如指掌。

through³ /θruː/ adj.
1.(continuous)(路线、旅途等)直达的, 直通的
a through train直达列车
'no through traffic'or'no through way'“禁止通行”
2.to be through

What time will you be through?你什么时候能结束?

3.to be through with sth
(be no longer using)不再使用某物

I'm through with the computer if you want it.如果你想要用电脑的话, 我已经用完了。

4.to be through with sth/sb
(be fed up with)对…感到厌烦

I'm through with apologizing to him.我再也不想对他道歉了。

I'm through with women.我对女人已经受够了。

5.to be through
(have ended relationship)(与某人)关系完结

They were through. They wanted out. Forever.他们已经吹了。他们想要解脱。永远的解脱。

to be through with sb与某人绝交
6.to be through
(be visible)穿出;露头

Don't allow the soil to dry out before the seedlings are through.在幼苗破土之前不要让土壤干透。

once all your child's milk teeth are through一旦你孩子的乳牙出齐了





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