

单词 three
释义 three¹ /θriː/ n.

The judges awarded her two fours and a three.评委给她打了两个4分、一个3分。

2.(in age)三岁
to be three是三岁

She'll be three in June.她六月份就三岁了。

aged three三岁的

She has a son, aged three.她有个儿子, 3岁了。

at the age of three三岁时

We'll be back before three.我们3点之前回来。

His plane is due in at twenty past three.他的飞机预定3点20到达。

It's three o'clock.3点了。

at three在三点钟

I'll meet you at three.我们3点见。

at three in the morning/afternoon在凌晨/下午三点钟

They were still awake at three in the morning.他们凌晨3点还没睡着。

4.(on playing cards)点数为3的纸牌
the three of hearts红桃3
5.(in shoes)三号;三码

These sandals are size three.这双拖鞋是3码的。

three² /θriː/ determiner

So far three workers have been killed.到目前为止已有3名工人丧生。

The aircraft crashed after takeoff, killing all three people on board.飞机起飞后坠毁, 机上三人全部遇难。

three³ /θriː/ pron.

The bus blew up near an army convoy, killing two people and wounding three.公共汽车在一支军方车队附近爆炸, 造成两人遇难、三人受伤。

Three of the men were taken to hospital.有三人被送往医院。

We played six games and we lost three.我们打了六场比赛, 输了三场。





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