

单词 thread
释义 thread¹ /θred/ n.
1.(fine strand)线;绳
2.(for sewing)棉线;丝线
a needle and thread针线
3.【动】(in spider's web)蜘蛛丝
4.(thin line)+of light, moisture细丝;线状物;细长的印迹
5.【机】(groove, ridge)螺纹
6.【矿】(seam of coal)细矿脉
7.+of argument, conversation, plot主线;脉络
8.【神话】(course of sb's life)生命之线(希腊神话中认为由命运女神编织、丈量及剪断, 决定人的寿命)
9.to hang by a thread
(be uncertain or fragile)悬于一线;千钧一发

The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.数千强硬派分子走上街头, 脆弱的和平变得岌岌可危。

10.to pick up the threads of sth
+ activity重新开始进行…
+ life使…重新开始振作

Many women have been able to pick up the threads of their former career.许多女性已重拾以前的工作。

thread² /θred/
🄰 vt.
1.+ needle穿;引;+ laces, wires将…穿过

threading the laces through the eyelets of his shoes把线从他鞋上的孔眼中穿过去

2.+ beads, objects将…串在线上

Thread the mushrooms on a string.把蘑菇用线串起来。

3.+ way穿过
to thread your way between sth穿行于某物之间
to thread your way through sth穿过某物

Anna threaded her way through the crowded room.安娜穿过了拥挤的房间。

4.【机】(produce screw thread)刻螺纹于

Hysteria threaded his account.他的描述从头到尾都歇斯底里。

🄱 vi.
【烹】syrup +滴下成丝状




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