

单词 think
释义 think¹ /θɪŋk/(thinks,thinking,thought)
🄰 vi.
1.(make mental effort)想;思考;思索

She closed her eyes, trying to think.她闭上眼睛, 努力思考着。

He thought for a moment, but said nothing.他想了一会儿, 但什么都没说。

Let me think.让我想想。

Think carefully before you reply.回答之前要仔细思考。

to think aloud边想边说出声;自言自语
2.(have attitudes)(以某种方式)思考, 考虑

He was brought up to think that way.他从小就被教育以那种方式考虑问题。

to think like sborto think as sb<正式>与某人想法一致
to think like sth像…一样思考

The programmer has to think like the machine.程序员必须像计算机一样思考。

to think in terms of sth从…方面考虑
3.(followed by adjective)(后接形容词)朝某方面想

The trick is to think small.窍门在于小处着眼。

to think positive往好处想;往积极方面想
to think big雄心勃勃;志向远大

Peter is useless, far worse than I thought.彼得一无是处, 比我想象的还要糟糕。

5.(be able to think)会思考

Man is the only animal that thinks.人类是唯一会思考的动物。

🄱 vt.
1.(believe to be so)想;认为

It doesn't matter what I think.我怎么想并不重要。

to think (that) …认为…

I think you're wrong.我认为你错了。

how old do you think I am?你认为我多大了?
to be thought (that) …人们认为…;人们相信…

A generation ago, it was thought that babies born this small could not survive.一代人以前, 人们认为生下来这么小的婴儿无法存活。

to be thought to have done sth被认为做了某事

He is thought to have survived.人们认为他活了下来。

to be thought to be sth被认为是…
2.(say to yourself)心里想;思忖

I remember thinking how sweet he looked.我记得当时心里想:他看上去多么招人喜欢啊。

She must be ill, Tatiana thought.她一定是病了, 塔蒂阿娜心想。

3.(have in your mind)心里有…的想法;琢磨

What are you thinking?你在琢磨什么?

to think positive thoughts往积极方面想

We had to think what to do next.我们不得不考虑下一步该做什么。


Anyone would think you were in love with the girl.任何人都会觉得你爱上了那个女孩。

Think what life would be like without cars.想一想如果没有汽车, 生活将会变成什么样。

to think sb capable of sth认为某人能够…

I was trying to think what else we had to do.我正在努力回想我们还必须做什么。


I didn't think to see you here.我没想到会在这里看见你。

I would have thought so.我也会这么想的。

you would think (that) …你会以为…

You'd think he'd remember to phone.你会认为他会记得打电话的。

sb would have thought (that) …某人本来以为…;某人原以为…

We would have thought he would have a more responsible attitude.我们本以为他会采取更负责的态度。

8.(expressing anger, surprise)(用于问句, 表示生气)以为

What do you think you're doing?你以为你在干什么?

Who does she think she is?她以为她是谁啊?

9.(be thoughtful enough to)想着;惦记着

He didn't think to thank us.他没想着感谢我们。

to be well thought of受到尊敬
come to think of itorwhen you think about itorthinking about it(表示突然记起或意识到某事)想起来了, 想想看

When you think about it, he's probably right.想想看, 他很可能是对的。

I don't think<非正式>(用于讽刺)…才怪, 谁知道呢

You're the paragon of virtue, I don't think.你是美德的典范, 才怪呢。

I don't think soorI think not<正式>(用于谈话或讲话中弱化语气)我不认为

You've got it wrong.— I think not.你搞错了。——我不这么认为。

I think
(expressing wish or intention)(用于礼貌地表示意愿)我想, 我觉得

Thanks, but I think I can handle it.谢谢, 不过我想我自己能处理。

I think I'll go for a walk.我想我要去散个步。

(used to make statement less forceful)(用于谈话或讲话中弱化语气)我认为, 我想

This is, I think, much, much more important.这一点, 我认为, 要重要得多得多。

I think sooryes, I think so(用于弱化语气)我想是的, 我觉得是这样的

And did you succeed?— I think so.那你成功了吗?——我想是的。

just thinkorto think(表示激动、着迷或震惊, 同时希望谈话对方也有同感)想想吧, 你想一想

Just think; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it forever.你想想看, 明天我们就要走出这个地方, 再也不回来了。

not to think much of sb对某人评价不高;看不起某人

To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists.说实话, 我看不上精神病医生。

to think again重新考虑;再三斟酌

He intends to ask the court to think again.他打算请求法院重新考虑。

to think better of sb/sthSeebetter²
to think a lot of sborto think a good deal of sb<过时>对某人评价很高
to think nothing of doing sth认为做某事没什么了不起;觉得做某事很容易

I thought nothing of betting £1,000 on a horse.我认为把1,000英镑押在一匹马身上没什么大不了的。

to think nothing of it对…不以为然;不把…当回事

When she went off to see her parents for the weekend, I thought nothing of it.她周末去看她的父母, 我当时觉得这没什么。

think nothing of it!别在意;没什么;别客气
to think twiceSeetwice
Phrasal Verbsthink about,think away,think back,think of,think out,think over,think through,think up
think² /θɪŋk/ n.
to have a think
(think carefully)仔细想一想;认真琢磨
to have a think about sth仔细想一想某事

I' ll have a think about that.我会好好想一想那件事的。

to have another think coming<英,非正式>(因想法错误)还得想一想, 需要重新考虑

If he thinks he can just take over, he' s got another think coming.如果他认为他接手就行了, 那他就想错了。

think³ /θɪŋk/ adj.




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