

单词 the system
1.(way of organizing sth)制度;体制

a flexible and relatively efficient filing system灵活而相对高效的归档制度

the Scottish legal system苏格兰法律制度

The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory.目前高等教育的经费体制并不令人满意。

2.(electrical or mechanical device)系统

Some PC packages require the very latest version of the Windows operating system.有些个人计算机的程序包要求在最新版的Windows操作系统中运行。

3.(communication or transport network)(通信、交通等的)网, 网络
4.【解剖】(part of body)(身体内数个器官组成的)系统

The strenuous exercise made great demands on her system.剧烈运动对她的身体要求很高。

6.the system

These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system.这些情绪有可能促使人们尝试推翻现行体制。

7.(for measuring and counting )体系;方法

the decimal system of metric weights and measures十进制的公制度量衡

8.(any arrangement)+of weather, roots, mountains

Mountain ranges modify weather systems.山脉影响气候。

Palm trees have an unusually strong root system.棕榈树拥有异常强大的根系。

9.(method, scheme; in gambling or sport)下赌注法

He has a perfect system at roulette.他懂得有关轮盘赌如何下注的绝妙赌经。


It would be no exaggeration to say that there has been a total lack of system, since the reformers have sought to reconcile basically conflicting ideals.说这是一种完全无秩序的状态根本不是在夸大其词, 因为改革者们在寻求调和本质上相矛盾的理想。

See system




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