

单词 the rush

the mad rush not to be late for school为了上学不迟到而狂奔

Is there any rush for this?这事很急吗?

2.the rush
(busy time)高峰期;繁忙活动期

Apply before the rush starts.赶在高峰期开始前申请吧。

the annual rush to the beaches每年去海边度假的热潮

3.(fast movement forward)+of crowd蜂拥;争前恐后

There was a rush for the exit.人群一窝蜂涌向出口。

People were trampled in the frantic rush for the exit.人们争先恐后奔向出口时发生了踩踏。

4.(surge)+of water奔涌;奔泻;+of air急速流动

the perpetual rush of the mill stream水车水流永不停歇的奔涌

A rush of air on my face woke me.一股气流吹到脸上, 把我惊醒了。

a sudden rush of air突然吹来的一阵风

5.+of adrenalin一阵涌动;+of nausea, dizziness一阵发作;+of emotion, excitement, fear, anger一阵迸发

He felt a sudden rush of panic at the thought.想到这儿, 他突然感到一阵恐慌。

6.(sudden demand)需求的急增;争购
7.(plant of genus Juncus)灯芯草属植物(灯芯草科一年生或多年生草本, 多数种用于编篮)
8.(any similar plant)类灯芯草植物, 灯芯草近缘植物(如地杨梅属、木贼属和荸荠属植物)
See rush




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