

单词 the run of sth
11.(in tights or stockings)抽丝

I've got a run in my tights.我的连裤袜抽丝了。

12.【商】(demand for commodity)争购;抢购
13.【金融】(large-scale withdrawal of funds)挤兑;挤提
14.【农】(enclosure)(家禽、兔子等的)放养场, 散养场
15.<澳,新西兰>(for grazing)牧场
16.【动】(route used by animals)出没路径(或区域)
17.<美>(in election)(对公职的)竞选
18.the run of sth
(free access)自由使用…;随意出入…
19.the run of sth

the run of the market市场趋势

20.(characteristic pattern)纹理特点;走向

the run of the grain on a piece of wood一块木头的纹理特点

21.【工】(period of operation)(机器、计算机等的)运转时间, 运行时间, 作业时间
23.【矿】(vein of ore or coal)连续矿脉;连续煤层
24.【矿】(direction of vein)矿脉走向
25.(period of flow)+of water一段时间的流动
26.(amount of flow)+of water流量
27.(pipe, channel)水管;管道;渠道
28.【地理】(small stream)小溪
29.【动】(group of animals moving together)迁徙群
30.【动】(fish migration)洄游
31.【军】(aircraft mission)飞行任务
See run




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