

单词 the other day
1.(additional, remaining)(已提及的人或事物同一类中)别的, 其他的, 另外的

May I make one other point?我可以谈一点吗?

Sitting with the officer were two other policemen.同这位警官坐在一起的是另外两位警察。

2.(different)(表示与已提及的人或事物不同)别的, 其他的

Have you got these jeans in other colours?这些牛仔裤有其他颜色的吗?

Calls are cheaper in the evening than at other times.晚上的话费比其他任何时候都便宜。

3.the other …
(of two things or people)(两个中)另外的…

The Captain was at the other end of the room.船长在房间的另一头。

You deliberately went in the other direction.你故意朝另一个方向走。

Half of the researchers have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.这些研究人员一半人拥有学士学位, 一半人拥有博士学位。


toys, paints, books and other equipment玩具、颜料、书本和其他用品

The new development will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.这个新建住宅区包含商店、餐馆和其他生活便利设施。

5.(referring to the rest of a group)(一组人或事物中)其余的, 其他的, 剩下的

His other interests included collecting and restoring antique clocks.他的其他兴趣包括收集和修复古钟。

This book is only a fraction of the length of her other novels.这本书的长度远不及她的其他小说。

The other members of the band were really keen to do the tour.这个乐队的其他成员确实非常想进行巡回演出。

6.other people
(people in general)(泛指)别人, 其他人

She likes to be with other people.她喜欢与人交往。

I don't care about what other people think.我不在乎别人怎么想。

7.the other day/evening/week etc<非正式>(in expressions of time)前几天/不久以前的晚上/几个星期前等

I saw him just the other day.我前不久刚见过他。

I saw a funny piece in an American magazine the other week.几个星期前我在一本美国杂志上看到了一篇有趣的文章。

See other




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