

单词 the last place
1.(most recent)+ visit, letter最近的;最近一次的;+ boyfriend, girlfriend前任的

Thanks for your last letter.感谢你上封来信。

Much had changed since my last visit.从我上次去到现在, 很多事情已经变了。

I split up with my last boyfriend three years ago.三年前我和前任男友分手。

2.(final)+ bus, page最后的;最末的;+ room, building最尽头的

We missed the last bus home.我们没有赶上回家的末班公共汽车。

the last three pages of the chapter该章最后三页

She said it was the very last house on the road.她说就是路尽头那栋房子。

The last few weeks have been hectic.最后几个星期忙得不可开交。

3.(only remaining)最后剩下的;最末的;仅存的

That was my last pair of tights.那是我仅剩的一条连裤袜了。

I ate the last piece of pizza.我吃了最后那块比萨饼。

the freeing of the last hostage最后一名人质的获释

Sampras reached the last four at Wimbledon.桑普拉斯杀入了温布尔登网球锦标赛四强。

4.the last place/thing/person
(least desirable, least likely)(后接关系从句)最不想要的, 最不可能的

This is about the last place on earth I'd like to live.这大概是世界上我最不愿意生活的地方。

The last thing I wanted to do was teach.我最不愿意做的事情就是教书。

He would be the last person I'd tell.我最不想告诉的人就是他。

5.<方>(inferior, unpleasant)劣等的;讨厌的;卑劣的

This ale is last.这种麦芽酒很难喝。

See last




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