

单词 theatre
释义 theatre¹theatre <英> , theater <美> /ˈθɪətə/ n.
1.(for performance of plays)剧院;剧场;戏院

I worked at the Grand Theatre.我曾在大剧院工作。

to go to the theatre去剧院;去看戏

If we went to the theatre, it was a very big event.假如我们要去看戏, 那可是件大事情。

2.the theatre
(area of activity)戏剧界

You can move up to work in films and the theatre.你可以更上一层, 到电影界和戏剧界工作。

Very soon he took the first steps towards a career in the theatre.很快他迈出了走向戏剧生涯的第一步。

theatre for children儿童剧
4.<美,澳,新西兰>(movie theatre)电影院
5.<英>(operating theatre; in hospital)手术室

She is back from theatre and her condition is comfortable.她已经从手术室出来了, 体征良好。

7.(for lectures, film-shows)(通常为阶梯式的)讲堂, 会场, 报告厅, 放映厅
8.(setting for important events)(重大事件发生的)背景, 场景
10.【建】(圆或半圆形)露天剧场, 露天阶梯剧场
theatre² /ˈθɪətə/ comp.
1.+ owner, manager剧院的;剧场的;戏院的
2.+ critic, group, audience, school, production戏剧的;+ ticket戏剧演出的

He was a theatre critic for the Daily Mail.他原是《每日邮报》的剧评人。

He's got theatre tickets for tomorrow night.他买到了明天晚上的戏票。

a West End theatre production伦敦西区的一场戏剧演出





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