

单词 test
释义 test¹ /test/ n.
1.(trial)+of machine, product, equipment检验;测试;+of nuclear weapons试验

the banning of nuclear tests对核试验的禁止

(try out)+ theory对…进行检验;对…进行验证
to conduct a testorto perform a test实施试验;进行测试
2.+of intelligence, ability, knowledge测验;考查

an intelligence test智力测验

3.(written, oral)(学校的)测验, 测试

He did well in the written test.他的笔试考得很好。

I've got a geography test tomorrow.明天我有一个地理测验。

to pass a test通过测试;测试及格

Out of a total of 2,602 pupils, only 922 passed the test.所有2,602名学生中, 只有922名通过了测试。

to fail a test未通过测试;测试不及格
to do a testorto sit a testorto take a test参加测验;参加测试
4.(driving test)驾照考试

He's got his driving test tomorrow.他明天考驾照。

to take your driving test参加驾照考试

She had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car.她卖了自行车, 考了驾照, 并买了辆汽车。

to fail your driving test未通过驾照考试
to pass your driving test通过驾照考试
5.(medical)体检;健康检查;+of sight, hearing, skin检查;+of blood, urine, DNA检测;化验

If necessary X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis.如有必要, 还要进行X 光检查和验血以帮助诊断。

They're going to do some more tests.他们要作进一步的体检。

The family doctor ordered numerous, expensive medical tests, which revealed no physical problem.那位家庭医生安排了名目繁多、收费昂贵的检查, 结果没有查出任何健康问题。

a test for sth…检查;…检测
run a test进行检查;进行检测
6.【化】(chemical analysis)+of substance, water化验;分析

They carried out tests on the water.他们对水进行了多次化验。

7.【化】(chemical reagent)试剂
8.【化】(chemical result)化验结果
9.a test of sth
(telling situation)+of courage, strength对…的检验;对…的考验

It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship.度假对任何恋爱关系都是重大考验, 这是常识。

The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.如何对待少数群体, 这是对任何一个文明社会的考验。

a test of character一个性格测验
10.<英>=test match
12.【动】(某些无脊椎动物的)壳, 介壳;(被囊动物的)被囊
to put sth to the test
(test sth)对…进行验证;对…进行检验

The Liverpool team are now putting their theory to the test.利物浦队此时正在验证他们的理论。

Arriving at the railway station, I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver.到了火车站, 为了检验自己对当地的了解程度, 我请教了一个出租车司机。

(put strain on)+ relationship测试…的牢固程度;检验…的稳定性

Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.总有一天, 生活会对这段关系是否牢固进行考验。

to stand the test of time经受住时间的考验
test² /test/ comp.
test³ /test/ vt.
1.(for commercial, technical, safety purposes)+ machine, weapon, vehicle检验;测试;试验;+ brakes检查;+ new drug, product测试;+ water检测

Here the army has its ranges where Rapier missiles and other weaponry are tested.军方在这里有发射场, “长剑”导弹等武器都在这里进行试验。

The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers.这种药物必须首先经过临床测试, 看它是否适用于其他癌症。

Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist.要么用浴用温度计测量水温, 要么用手腕试一下。

2.+ knowledge, ability测验;考查
3.+ student, pupil对…进行测验;对…进行测试

There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing pupils in every subject.曾经有段时间, 每个老师每周都要抽出一天, 花一小时对学生的各门功课进行测试。

to test sb on sth对某人进行…测试

He tested us on the new vocabulary.他考了我们生词。

4.(medically)对…进行体检;对…进行健康检查;+ eyesight, hearing检查;+ blood, urine, DNA检测;化验

Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene.染病家庭的女孩们也可以检查一下, 看看是否携带这种缺陷基因。

to test sb for sth对某人进行…检查

She was tested for drugs.她作了药物测试。

He's been tested for diabetes.他作了糖尿病检查。

5.(tax)+ person, stamina, patience试探;考验;检验

She decided to test herself with a training run in London.她决定在伦敦进行一次跑步训练, 以检验自己。

She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out.她可能是在试探她的母亲, 看她忍耐到什么地步才会把她撵出家门。

6.(by chemical procedure)化验;分析
to test sth for sth对某物进行…化验
7.(achieve specific result)测得…结果
to test the water
to test the waters试探;摸底
Phrasal Verbstest for,test out




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