

单词 task
释义 task¹ /tɑːsk/ n.
2.(difficult job)苦差事;困难的工作

All this effort put into a fruitless task leaves us unable to sleep, or control our temper, or concentrate.我们在这项艰难的工作上耗费了那么多心血却一无所获, 这让我们睡不着觉, 情绪失控, 精神也无法集中。

Walker had the unenviable task of breaking the bad news to Hill.沃克要把这个坏消息告诉希尔, 这可不是什么令人羡慕的美差。

3.(any piece of work)工作;任务;作业

Your task will be to bring her to us.你的任务就是把她带到我们这儿。

Modern computers can be applied to a wide range of tasks.现代计算机可应用于多种工作。

4.to take sb to task责备某人;申斥某人

He was taken to task over his poor attendance record.他因为出勤记录不佳而受到训斥。

task² /tɑːsk/ vt.
1.(give job to)给…分派任务;使…承担任务
to task sb to do sth给某人分派任务去做某事;使某人承担任务去做某事

Our patrols were frequently tasked to observe and report front-line positions.我们的侦察队频繁地接到任务去侦察和报告前线的位置。

to task sb with doing sth给某人分派做某事的任务
2.(strain, tax)使过于劳累;使费力




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