

单词 table
释义 table¹ /ˈteɪbəl/ n.
1.(piece of furniture)桌子
the kitchen table餐桌
to lay the tableorto set the table(为吃饭而)摆好桌子
to clear the table收拾桌子
to sit at the table坐在桌前
2.(in restaurant)(饭店或咖啡馆的)餐桌, 饭桌

I'd like a table for two at about 8:30, please.我想预订八点半左右的一张双人桌。

to book a table预订一张桌子
3.(with particular purpose)(某种用途的)桌子, 台子
a card table牌桌

a bird table喂鸟台

a coffee table咖啡桌

a dressing table梳妆台

4.(people sitting at table)一桌人

A raucous laugh broke out from a table at the other side of the pub.酒吧另一边的一桌人爆发出一阵喧闹的笑声。


She keeps a very good table.她经常备着好酒好菜。

6.(list of facts or figures)表;表格

Consult the table on page 104.参阅104页的表格。

a table of contents目录
7.(multiplication table)(1至12的)乘法表
the eleven-times table11的乘法口诀
sb's tables某人的乘法表

I attempted to learn my tables.我努力背诵乘法表。

8.(league table)比赛成绩表;名次表

Zena Harris heads the women's table with an average of 25.133mph.泽娜•哈里斯以每小时25.133英里的平均速度在女选手排名表中位列第一。

11.=cordon¹, 3
12.【珠宝】(facet of gem)(宝石顶部的)顶(饰)面
13.【音】+of violin, guitar面板
14.【史】(containing laws)(古罗马或古希伯来等刻有法典的)碑, 匾
15.(on palm of hand)手掌心
17.【解剖】+of cranium骨板
18.【解剖】(any thin flat plate)(尤指骨的)薄平板
19.on the table提交讨论

It means that all the options are at least on the table.这就意味着, 至少所有的选择都已经被提交讨论。

20.to turn the tables on sb
(get the upper hand)扭转局面从而比某人占上风

The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents.唯一的问题是, 总统能否运用他杰出的政治手腕扭转局面, 在与对手的较量中占据上风。

table² /ˈteɪbəl/ comp.
+ decoration, knife, centrepiece桌子用的;(尤指)餐桌用的
table³ /ˈteɪbəl/ vt.
1.<尤英>(put forward)+ motion, proposal, question把…提交讨论

They've tabled a motion criticizing the Government.他们已经把一项批评政府的动议提交讨论。

2.<美>(leave till later)+ proposal, plan暂缓审议;搁置
3.(place on a table)把…置于桌上
4.(list, tabulate)把…列表;把…制成表格

He huddled over the torch, rechecking the diving plan he had tabled in a tiny notebook.他凑到手电筒跟前, 重新检查列在小记事本的潜水计划表。





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