

单词 suspicion
释义 suspicion /səˈspɪʃən/ n.
1.(belief of guilt)怀疑

There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing.这名赛跑选手涉嫌有意逃避药检。

to arouse suspicionsorto arouse suspicion引起怀疑;引起疑心

I had aroused his suspicions last week.我上周已经引起了他的怀疑。

a suspicion that … …的感觉(或想法)

The suspicion grew in Darwin's mind that species were closely related to each other.达尔文头脑里产生了物种之间是密切相关的这样一种想法。

to have a suspicion (that) …觉得…

I have a sneaking suspicion they're going to succeed.我隐约觉得他们会成功的。

to confirm sb's suspicion证实某人的猜想

the traditional British suspicion of psychotherapy英国人历来对精神疗法的怀疑

to regard sb/sth with suspicion怀疑某人/某事
4.<文>(hint)+of danger, humour, colour一丝;一点儿

large blooms of white with a suspicion of pale pink一朵朵略带淡粉色的大白花

5.above suspicion无可怀疑的

She was a good girl, above suspicion.她是个好女孩, 不用怀疑。

6.on suspicion被当作嫌疑人的
to be arrested on suspicion of sth因涉嫌某事物被捕
7.under suspicion受到怀疑的;被猜疑的




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