

单词 suspension
释义 suspension /səˈspenʃən/ n.
1.【汽车】+of car, van悬挂系统;悬架

You could harm the suspension if you drive over rough roads.驾车通过坑洼路面可能损坏悬挂系统。

2.+of employee停职;+of office holder职权暂停;+of pupil, student休学

If he is found guilty, he could face suspension.如果被发现有过失, 他可能会面临停职的处罚。

3.+of hostilities, violence, flights, services, trial暂停;+of driving licence暂时吊销;+of payment中止

the suspension of flights between London and Manchester伦敦与曼彻斯特之间航班的暂停

a virtual suspension of diplomatic relations with Israel与以色列外交关系的实质性中断

4.(deferment)+of decision, judgment暂缓;推迟
in suspension暂缓的

US troops around Fallujah, who have been held in suspension waiting for the election result, now know that an assault is imminent.费卢杰周边地区的美军部队一直在按兵不动等待选举结果, 现在明白即将发起攻击。

5.【律】+of sentence暂缓执行
6.【律】+of right, title暂被剥夺
7.【金融】(cessation of payment of business debts)(尤指破产导致的)债务偿付停止
8.(act or state of hanging up)悬挂;吊
9.(support, device)悬挂装置
in suspension处于悬浮状态的




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