

单词 strongly
释义 strongly /ˈstrɒŋlɪ/ adv.
1.(solidly)+ constructed, made坚固地;结实地

A few of the more strongly constructed buildings remained.几座建得更加牢固的建筑留存了下来。

+ person体格健壮的

They were both tall and strongly built.他们两个都高大健壮。

+ building建得牢固的

The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.围栏用粗大的木桩建成, 非常坚固。

2.(with force)pull, tug, blow +强有力地;强劲地

The wind was blowing very strongly.狂风大作。

The metal is strongly attracted to the surface.金属被紧紧地吸附在表面上。

He was tugging on the bridle quite strongly.他紧紧地抓住马缰。

3.(intensely)+ flavoured, coloured, smell浓重地;强烈地

The effect only works well with strongly coloured subjects.只有颜色鲜艳的东西才会有效果。

He smelt strongly of tobacco.他身上有浓浓的烟草味。

4.(powerfully)+ influenced, motivated极大地;+ indicative强烈地

He is strongly influenced by Spanish painters such as Goya and El Greco.他深受戈雅、埃尔•格列柯等西班牙画家的影响。

people who are strongly motivated by money and social status受金钱和社会地位强烈驱使的人们

5.(forcefully, vehemently)oppose, criticize +坚决地;recommend, advise +强烈地;believe, argue +坚定地

We are strongly opposed to the presence of America in this region.我们强烈反对美国势力介入这一区域。

The police have strongly criticized England's football authorities.警方强烈谴责了英格兰足球管理机构。

We recommend strongly that …我们强烈建议…

I would strongly advise you against such an action.我强烈建议你不要这么干。

to feel strongly about sth对某事物有明确看法

I feel strongly about it.我坚持自己对此事的看法。

a strongly-worded statement措辞激烈的声明
6.(well)perform +状况良好地;景气地




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