

单词 stretch
释义 stretch¹ /stretʃ/ n.
1.(expanse)+of sand, beach, water一片;+of coastline, road, river一段

a magnificent stretch of coastline一段非常美丽的海岸线

It's a very dangerous stretch of road.那是一个极其危险的路段。

2.【赛马】(any straight section)(尤指接近终点的一段)直道
(final section)终点直道
3.+of time段;时长

He had spent stretches of time in France.他曾在法国待过几段时间。

after an 18-month stretch in the army经过18个月的军旅时光之后

in one stretch一次

The furthest he walked in one stretch was 46 miles.他曾一口气最远走了46英里。

4.(prison term)服刑期

He has just got out of prison after serving a five-year stretch for robbery with violence.他因暴力抢劫服了5年刑, 日前刚刚出狱。

to do a stretch for sth因…而服刑

He did a stretch for possession.他因强占财产而服刑。

5.(upon standing, getting up, etc)伸展;伸懒腰

This gesture is often accompanied by a yawn or a stretch.这一姿势通常伴随着打哈欠或是伸懒腰。

to have a stretch伸展肢体

I'll need to have a good stretch tonight.我今晚得好好舒展筋骨。

6.(as fitness exercise)伸展训练
to do a stretch做伸展运动
to hold a stretch保持伸展动作

Hold this stretch for five seconds.将这一伸展动作保持5秒钟。

7.【纺】(服装的)拉伸性, 弹性

There's too much stretch in this rope for the longer descents.这根绳索的弹性太大了, 不适合更长距离的下降。

8.at full stretch
(with arm extended)伸展手臂;伸直胳膊

I was at full stretch, but I still couldn't reach the shelf.我胳膊伸得直直的, 但还是够不到架子。

The goalkeeper had to dive at full stretch.守门员只好伸开手臂扑出去。

(flat out)person +竭尽全力;全力以赴;workplace +高速运行

Everyone would be working at full stretch.每个人都将全力以赴。

The office is at full stretch in the weeks leading up to Christmas.在圣诞节前的几个礼拜, 办事处忙得昏天暗地。

9.at a stretch<尤英>(if necessary)如果非常有必要;在极端的情况下

At a stretch we could get rid of the car.实在没有办法的话, 这辆车我们就不要了。

10.the final stretch最后阶段;最终阶段

I turned north on the final stretch of my journey.在旅程的最后, 我向北驶去。

as the presidential race enters its final stretch随着总统竞选进入最终阶段

11.for hours/weeks/months at a stretch连续几小时/几周/数月

He often works for 12 hours at a stretch.他经常连续工作12个小时。

12.not by any stretch of the imaginationorby no stretch of the imagination完全不可能;根本不可能

Her husband was not a womanizer by any stretch of the imagination.她丈夫绝不是一个玩弄女性的人。

13.not by a long stretch完全不;根本不

It's not over, not by a long stretch.这还没结束, 还早着呢。

stretch² /stretʃ/ adj.
+ jeans, fabric可拉伸的;有弹性的;有弹力的

stretch cotton swimsuits有弹性的棉质泳衣

stretch³ /stretʃ/
🄰 vi.
1.(extend limbs)person, animal +伸展肢体;伸懒腰

The dog woke up and stretched.那条狗睡醒了, 伸了个懒腰。

2.(extend)area, river, procession +延伸;绵延

The procession stretched for several miles.队伍绵延了数英里。

His long-sleeved kameez shirt stretched down to his thighs.他的长袖子克米兹衬衫一直垂到大腿处。

The dense emerald jungle stretches before you.眼前绵延着浓密的翠绿色树丛。


Their territory stretched from Michigan to the Ohio River.他们的领地从密歇根一直绵延到俄亥俄河。

(in range)扩大

a trading empire, with interests that stretch from chemicals to sugar从化学制品到食糖均有涉足的贸易帝国

to stretch as far as the eye can see一望无际;延绵不绝

The dry region stretches as far as the eye can see.这片干旱地区一眼望不到头。

3.(in time)event, activity +持续;延续

a working day that stretches from seven in the morning to eight at night从早上七点持续到晚上八点的工作日

The protests stretched into their second week.抗议活动已经进入了第二个星期。

Justin could see years of hardship stretching before him.贾斯廷觉得接下来几年可有的苦日子过了。

4.to stretch to sth
(be enough for)money, food +足以养活;足以维持;足以支撑

My salary won't stretch to a bigger car.我的薪水买不起更大的车。

The family budget could not stretch to buying him a pair of football boots.家里预算紧张, 没钱给他买双足球鞋。

5.(as required)fabric, jeans +有弹性;可拉伸
(in the wash)拉长

My sweater stretched when I washed it.我的针织套衫洗后变长了。

6.(expand)muscles, substance +伸展;拉伸

a movie of how the mouth muscles stretch and contract during a pout一部关于在噘嘴时嘴部肌肉如何伸缩的影片

7.(extend too much)rope, cable +拉伸;拉长

The cables are designed not to stretch.这些缆绳不能拉伸。

8.<古或方>(be hanged)绞死;上吊
🄱 vt.
1.(flex)+ arms, limbs伸展;+ muscles拉伸

Reaching your arms above your head, try to stretch your whole body.将双手举过头, 用力拉伸整个身体。

She stretched her neck to look down the stairs.她伸着脖子朝楼下看。

2.(strain)+ muscle, tendon, ligament拉伤;扭伤

I stretched the tendons during our game with Poland.我在与波兰队的比赛中扭伤了肌腱。

3.(suspend)+ rope, cable展开;铺开;拉开

They stretched a rope between two trees.他们在两棵树之间拉了一根绳。

The cloth was stretched over a frame.那块布被铺在画框上。

4.(make looser)+ garment拉长;+ shoes撑大

Shoe repair shops can stretch tight shoes for you.修鞋店能把紧脚的鞋子撑大。

5.(causing damage)拉伸;拉长

Ease the pastry into the corners of the tin, making sure you don't stretch it.把油酥面团轻放在烤模的几个角上, 确保不要抻长。

6.(extend, draw out)扩展;延伸;延长

Experts said the definition could be stretched to cover persistent offenders.专家称这一定义可以延伸, 将惯犯也包括进去。

7.(be a strain on)+ resources, budget, supplies使紧张;使接近极限;使告急

Public expenditure was being stretched to the limit by having to support 3 million unemployed people.要救助300万失业者, 公共支出快要捉襟见肘了。

8.(eke out)+ budget, resources靠…勉强维持

They're used to stretching their budgets.他们已经习惯了精打细算地过日子。

9.(push)+ pupil, student, employee挑战…的能力;对…形成挑战

His schoolwork isn't stretching him enough.学校功课对他并没有形成足够的挑战。

Here is a wonderful gift that can stretch your child's imagination.这是一份非常棒的礼物, 可以挑战孩子的想象力。

10.(pull taut)拉紧;拉直

a tent built of plastic stretched across a wooden frame将塑料抻紧铺在木架上搭成的帐篷

to stretch sth taut把…撑紧

She uses an embroidery hoop to stretch the fabric taut.她用绣圈将织物撑开。

11.<非正式>(beyond credibility)夸大

Calling him a god might be stretching it, but his guitar playing can certainly be described as heavenly!称他为神可能有些夸张了, 不过他的吉他演奏绝对可以说是天籁之音。

12.<古或非正式>(hang by the neck)绞死;吊死
13.to stretch your legs(尤指久坐后)走一走, 活动一下腿脚

He decided to stretch his legs and get some fresh air.他决定起来走一走, 呼吸一下新鲜空气。

14.to stretch a point

It is stretching a point to call this censorship.说这是审查, 有点言过其实了。

(make exception)破例;网开一面;通融

We're perfectly prepared to stretch a point if something needs to be done quickly.如果事情紧急的话, 我们完全愿意破例一回。

15.to stretch the truth说大话;吹牛;夸大其词

It would be stretching the truth to suggest they played well enough to rival Glasgow Rangers.把他们和格拉斯哥流浪者队相提并论就有些言过其实了。

16.to stretch yourself
(extend limbs)舒展肢体;伸懒腰

She arched her back and stretched herself.她弓起背伸了个懒腰。

(push yourself)挑战极限;挑战自我

I'm trying to stretch myself with something different.我想尝试一些不同的东西来挑战自我。


With interest rates rising, they did not want to stretch themselves too far.随着利率的上涨, 他们不想让日子过得太紧。

Phrasal Verbsstretch across,stretch down,stretch out,stretch over,stretch up




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