

单词 bare
释义 bare¹ /beə/ adj.
1.(without clothes)+ person, body, legs, feet, chest, head赤裸的;裸露的

At the beach are hundreds of bare bodies exposed to the sun's damaging rays.海滩上, 成百上千的人们赤身露体地在有伤害作用的阳光下暴晒。

Her feet were bare.她赤着脚。

She worried about splinters in her bare feet.她很担心扎在她赤裸双脚上的刺。

His head was bare.他光着头。

2.(exposed)+ rock, floor, wall, surface光秃的;无遮盖的
a hilly patch of bare rock一小片光秃秃的岩石区

bare wooden floors未铺地毯的木地板

The walls were bare.墙壁光秃秃的。

3.(empty)+ fridge, cupboard, room空的

His fridge was bare apart from three tomatoes.他的冰箱里除了3个西红柿什么也没有。

He led me to a bare room.他把我带到了一个空荡荡的房间。

(without sth)没有某物

The room, like a monk's cell, is bare of any comfort.这个房间像修道士的单人小室一样, 没有任何令人舒适的东西。

The shop shelves were bare of maize.商店的货架上没有玉米。

4.(unembellished)+ fact, truth, scheme不加掩饰的;赤裸裸的

The bare truth is that people love gossip, for all sorts of reasons.人们出于各种原因爱传闲话, 这是明摆着的事实。

the bare facts最基本的事实

Here are the bare facts about breast cancer.以下是有关乳腺癌的最基本的事实。

See alsobone³
5.(absolute)+ minimum最起码的;刚够的

Two hundred is the bare minimum.最低限度是两百。

The army tried to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.军队试图以尽可能少的兵力据守西部沙漠。

the bare essentials最低限度的必需品

These are the bare essentials you'll need for your baby.这些是你需要为宝宝准备的基本必需品。


Sales are growing for premium wines, but at a bare 2 percent a year.高档葡萄酒的销量在增加, 但年增长率仅为百分之二。

to lay sth bare使某物露出

The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.废弃的作坊拆除干净后, 露出了数千块意大利风格的釉面砖。

to lay sb/sth bare揭露某人∕某事

No one wants to expose themselves, lay their feelings bare.没有人想自我曝光, 把自己的感情公之于众。

The reality of the North-South divide was laid bare yesterday by a new government report.昨天, 一份新的政府报告把南北分歧的真实现状披露无遗。

The article laid bare the difficulty the government has had in financing the scheme.这篇文章透露了政府为该计划融资所遭遇的困难。

with your bare hands赤手空拳;徒手
bare² /beə/ vt.
+ part of body, teeth使裸露;露出

It's summertime and you want to bare your legs.夏天到了, 人们想把腿露出来。

He bared his chest for a women's magazine.他裸着胸上了一家女性杂志。

I am shy about baring my breasts in public on the beach.我不好意思在海滩上当众裸露胸部。

Walsh bared his teeth in a grin.沃尔什露齿一笑。

to bare your soul袒露心声;敞开心扉

Few men would have bared their soul to a woman as he had.像他那样对一个女人敞开心扉的男人寥寥无几。

bare³ /beə/




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