

单词 stray
释义 stray¹ /streɪ/ adj.
1.+ dog, cat走失的;流浪的

There are four million stray cats in this country.这个国家有4百万只流浪猫。

2.+ hair散乱的;零散的

She shrugged a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.她把一缕散发从眼前甩开。

stray bullet流弹

Stray pieces of information came my way.一些零星的消息传到我耳朵里。

stray² /streɪ/ n.
2.(waif)走失者, 流浪者, 无家可归者(尤指儿童)
3.(random event)偶然事件;孤立事件;零星事件
stray³ /streɪ/ vi.
1.(from area, path)person, animal +走失;走离;迷路;游荡

A railway line crosses the park so children must not be allowed to stray.有一条铁路横穿这座公园, 因此必须禁止小孩子在附近闲逛。

A woman whose dog repeatedly strayed has been fined $600.一个女人因为经常把狗弄丢而被罚600英镑。

Crews stray outside to film the view from the pavement.工作人员移到人行道上拍摄这一景色。

to stray into sth误入…

Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas.游客经常会迷路误入危险区域。

to stray onto sth误入…

Children had strayed onto the runway.一些儿童已经误闯进跑道上。

2.(through lack of concentration)mind, thoughts +走神;溜号;开小差;eyes +游移

Even with the simplest cases I find my mind straying.即使在处理最简单的案例时我也老走神。

She could not keep her eyes from straying towards him.她不由自主地瞟向他。


those who stray from the path of virtue那些走上歧途的人





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