

单词 straight
释义 straight¹ /streɪt/ adj.
1.(not curved, not bent)+ road, edge, line, wall直的;笔直的
a straight line直线
2.(not crooked)+ teeth, picture, tie平正的

His teeth were perfectly straight.他的牙非常齐。

3.(not curly)+ hair直的;无卷的
straight hair直发
4.(not flared)+ skirt, trousers直筒的

10 straight wins十连胜

in straight sets【网】连续数局
6.(frank, candid)+ person, answer坦率的;直截了当的

I've always been straight with people and I say what I think.我一直都是坦诚待人, 心里怎么想就怎么说。

It's time for some straight talking.是时候坦率地谈一谈了。

7.(factual)+ story, article, account只提供事实的;不添枝加叶的

an intriguing and reasonably straight account of his life对他的生活有些直接但又令人感兴趣的描述


It is not a straight line of reasoning leading to a clear answer.这不是一条通向明确答案的逻辑推理思路。

9.(clear)+ choice简单明了的

It's a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs.这是在低收入工作和没有工作之间的简单明了的选择。

student +各门课程全得优
a straight A student全优学生

If he'd just been straight with us, none of this mess would have happened.如果他当初跟我们说实话, 就不会出现现在的混乱局面。


Dorothy was a very straight woman, a very strict Christian who was married to her job.多萝西是位非常传统的女性, 一位严守教规的基督徒, 一个工作狂。


a straight guy直男

13.<非正式>(free from drugs)不吸毒的

He's been straight and sober for 18 years.他已经戒毒18年了。

14.<非正式>+ out of crime洗心革面的;改过自新的

I've been straight for a long time now.我早就改过自新了。

+ house, room, papers整理…

I'll have to get the house straight before our guests arrive.我得在客人到来之前把房子收拾整洁。

16.(not comic)+ part, play严肃的
17.(neat)+ drink(尤指酒)未掺水的, 纯的

a large straight whisky without ice一大杯不加冰的纯威士忌酒

18.<美>(sold at fixed unit price)单价固定的

a straight right/left右/左直拳

20.【汽车】+ cylinders直排式的
21.(square financially)两清的;互不相欠的

If you buy the next round we'll be straight.下一轮要是你买单的话, 咱俩就扯平了。

22.to get sth straight<口>把…搞清楚

You need to get your facts straight.你需要搞清楚实际情况。

Let's get this straight.我们来把这事弄清楚吧。


There's been a misunderstanding and I'd like to put it straight.之前一直存在误解, 我想把它澄清了。

23.to put sb straight让某人知晓实情

Let me put you straight about something.让我来把一些事和你说清楚。

24.to set the record straightorto put the record straight纠正误解;澄清事实

Let me set the record straight.让我来澄清一下事实。

to set the record straight about sth就某事进行澄清
straight² /streɪt/ adv.
1.(in a straight line)walk, shoot +直地;笔直地
straight on直着向前

Go straight on till you get to the traffic lights.向前直走到红绿灯。


I saw the car coming straight at me.我看到那汽车径直向我开来。

He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me.他结束了谈话, 站起身来, 直直地看着我。

straight ahead在正前方

Go straight to bed.立即上床。

to go straight home马上回家
(at once)立即;马上

I knew I should have arrested her straight off.我知道我应该立即逮捕她的。

4.(clearly)see, think +清楚地;明白地

It's just that I can't see straight.只是我看不透。

I couldn't think straight.我想不清楚。

to tell sb sth straightorto tell sb sth straight out直截了当地把某事告诉某人

She told me straight out that the baby wasn't mine.她直截了当地告诉我, 孩子不是我的。

6.(without cheating)诚实地
8.drink +不掺水地;纯地
9.(not crookedly)平正地

Make sure the blind is hanging straight.确保把百叶帘挂正。

to stand up straight站得笔直
10.<美>(without a discount)(无论买多少都)不打折地, 不减单价地
11.to go straight<非正式>洗心革面;改过自新
straight³ /streɪt/ n.
1.<英>(on racetrack)(跑道的)直道
the straight直道
the home straight终点直道
2.【牌】(five cards)(扑克牌)顺子
3.(conventional person)传统的人;正统的人
6.(straight line)直线;直线部分
7.to keep sb on the straight and narrow令某人走正路;令某人规规矩矩做人

All her efforts to keep him on the straight and narrow have been rewarded.她为了让他不走歪路所付出的所有努力都得到了回报。





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