

单词 sticky
释义 sticky¹ /ˈstɪkɪ/ adj.(stickier,stickiest)
1.(covered with adhesive or viscous substance)+ fingers, hand, bottle, cup黏糊糊的;覆盖有黏性物质的;+ dough粘手的;+ toffee粘牙的

They don't want your sticky fingers on their stuff.他们不愿意让你用黏糊糊的手指动他们的东西。

I've got to wash my sticky hands.我要去洗洗我这双黏糊糊的手。

a sticky bottle of fruit juice黏糊糊的果汁瓶子

a topping of very sweet sticky toffee用极甜又粘牙的太妃糖做的顶部装饰配料

If the dough is sticky, add more flour.如果面团粘手, 就再加些面粉。

2.(adhesive)+ label, paper一面带粘胶的;可粘贴的
a sticky address label一面带粘胶的地址标签

Peel away the sticky paper.将贴纸撕掉。

3.(clammy)+ weather, atmosphere, day闷热的;湿热的

It was hot and sticky.天气闷热潮湿。

a hot, sticky, July afternoon一个闷热的7月的下午

4.(tending not to fall)+ price黏性的;(在通货紧缩情况下)不易波动的, 不易下跌的

Her research was going through a sticky patch.她的研究工作正处于一个艰难的阶段。


the sticky sentimentality the movie doles out电影使人产生的些许感伤情怀

7.(encouraging repeat visits)+ website用户黏着的

A sticky site lets the visitor bounce around for long periods of time.吸引人的网站会使得访客在上面浏览很长一段时间。

sticky² /ˈstɪkɪ/ vt.(stickies,stickying,stickied)
sticky³ /ˈstɪkɪ/ n.( 复stickies)<非正式>
2.(inquisitive look)好奇的眼光;好奇的凝视




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