

单词 sth ought to do sth
past tense ought
1.sb ought to do sth
(indicating the right way to behave)(表示认为某事道义上正确)某人应当做某事

You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.你们应该感到羞愧。

I ought to phone my parents.我应该给我的父母打电话。

Perhaps we ought not to interfere.或许我们不应该干预。

2.sb ought to do sth
(recommending a course of action)(表示认为某事可行或重要)某人应该做某事

We ought not to be quarrelling.我们不应该吵架。

You ought to see a doctor.你应该去看医生。

3.sb/sth ought to do sth
(expressing strong probability)(表示可能性很大)…应该是…

He ought to find plenty to keep him occupied.他应该是有很多事要做, 忙得团团转。

You two ought to get on well.你们俩应该处得不错。

Tonight's show ought to be pretty good.今天晚上的表演应该很棒。

4.sb/sth ought to do sth
(when something might not happen)(表示认为某事应该如何, 实际情形可能不符)…其实应该…

Though this gives them a nice feeling, it really ought to worry them.虽然这让他们感觉良好, 但他们其实应该为此担心。

5.sb/sth ought to do sth
(if expectations are right)(表示从已知情况推测某事已经发生)…应该…

He ought to be out of prison by now.他到现在应该出狱了。

6.sb/sth ought to have done sth
(referring to events that did not happen)(与过去分词连用, 表示某事不符合预期)…本该…

Basically the system ought to have worked.其实这套系统本应发挥作用的。

The funding provided for the project ought to have been enough.为这个项目提供的资金本该足够了。

7.sb ought to have done sth
(expressing regret)(与过去分词连用, 表示未做本应该做的事情)某人本应该…的

Perhaps we ought to have trusted people more.也许我们本当对人多一些信任的。

I ought not to have asked you a thing like that. I'm sorry.我不该问你那种事, 我很抱歉。

8.you ought to do sth
(expressing the speaker's wish)(用于表达某种愿望)你应该…, 你们应当…

You ought to join us.你应该加入我们。

9.sb ought to do sth
(used as a polite form of 'must')(用于礼貌地告知某人自己必须做某事)某人该…

I think I ought to go.我想我该走了。

See ought




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