

单词 sth is no exception
5.sb/sth is no exception某人/某事物也不例外

Consolidation in any business throws up winners and losers, and the car industry is no exception.所有商业合并都会产生赢家和输家, 汽车产业也不例外。

Marketing is applied to everything these days, and books are no exception.现在, 任何东西都能进行市场营销, 书也不例外。

Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food, and Maureen was no exception.大多数人其实并不清楚该怎样转而食用健康食品, 莫琳也不例外。

6.to take exception
(be annoyed)愤懑;恼怒

The striker took exception when he was dropped from the team.这名前锋对于自己被球队开除感到愤愤不平。

I do take exception at the lack of recognition the players have received.没有像其他选手一样得到认同, 我对此确实非常不满。

See exception




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