

单词 start
释义 start¹ /stɑːt/ n.

1918, four years after the start of the Great War1918年, 第一次世界大战开爆发4年后

the start of the tax year税收年度的开始

It's not much, but it's a start.虽然算不了什么, 但毕竟是个开端。

a fresh start全新的开始

We need a fresh start.我们需要一个全新的开始。

to make a fresh start重新开始
to make a start on sth开始做某事

Shall we make a start on the washing-up?咱们可以开始洗餐具了吗?

(set off)及早动身

We'll have to make an early start if we want to get there by lunchtime.如果想在午饭之前到那儿, 我们必须及早动身。

at the start开始时;一开始

I was terribly lonely at the start.开始时我非常孤单。

2.(starting line)起跑线;开始地点;开始时间

They were lined up at the start.他们在起跑线处排成一行。

4.(sudden movement)(吓得、惊得等)一动, 一跳, 一激灵
with a start猛然地

He woke with a start.他猛然惊醒。

to give a start of sth因…而吃一惊(或吓一跳)

He gave a start of surprise and astonishment.他被惊得浑身一激灵。

5.(advantage; in race)(比赛中)先起跑的优势, 居前的地位

You must give me fifty metres' start.你必须让我50米。

the club which gave him his start给了他发展机会的俱乐部
7.(loose part)松动部分;脱开部分
8.by fits and startsorin fits and starts一阵一阵地;间歇地

She told us the full story, in fits and starts.她断断续续地把整件事讲给我们听。

9.for a start首先;第一点

For a start, you're too young.首先, 你太年轻了。

10.to get off to a bad start开局不顺

England got off to a bad start in the Five Nations' Championship, losing 35-10 to France.英格兰在五国锦标赛中开局不利, 10比35输给了法国。

to get off to a good start开局顺利

The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start, but he still has to show what kind of leader he is going to be.新首相上任后开了个好头, 但他仍得展现出自己的执政风格。

start² /stɑːt/
🄰 vt.

My father started work when he was ten.我父亲10岁开始工作。

to start doing sth开始做某事

I started learning French three years ago.我三年前开始学习法语。

He started laughing.他开始大笑。

to start to do sth开始做某事

Ralph started to run.拉尔夫跑了起来。

2.+ new jar, bottle, packet开始使用

starting a new jar of face cream开始用一罐新面霜

3.(cause to begin)+ argument, war引起;挑起;+ rumour制造;编造

I started a fire.我生起了一堆火。

4.(get going)+ engine, machine启动;发动

He couldn't start the car.他发动不了汽车。

to get sth started发动…;启动…

He couldn't get his engine started.他发动不了引擎。

5.(establish)+ business开创;创办

He raised the money to start a restaurant.他筹钱开了一家餐厅。

He wants to start his own business.他想自己创业。

She started a campaign against drugs.她发起了一场抵制毒品的运动。

6.+ horse, runner使参赛
7.【猎】惊出, 吓出(猎物)
8.(cause to work loose)+ part松动;脱开
🄱 vi.

What time does it start?什么时候开始?

The meeting starts at 7.会议7点钟开始。

The fire is thought to have started in an upstairs room.人们觉得火是从楼上的一个房间烧起来的。

to start with sth以…开始
to start by doing sth以做某事开始

We started at dawn and reached Kushinagar in the dark.我们黎明时启程, 在夜色中到达拘尸那迦。

3.(begin career)开始事业;开始立业

She started as a photographer with Picture Post.她刚工作时是《图片邮报》的摄影师。

4.(get going)engine, machine +发动;启动

The car wouldn't start.汽车发动不起来。

7.eyes +(尤指双眼)肿胀, 鼓起
8.<非正式>(cause trouble)惹麻烦;导致混乱

Don't start!别惹麻烦!

9.(work loose)floorboard +翘棱;part +松动;脱开

Wine started from a hole in the cask.桶上破了个洞, 葡萄酒汩汩流出。

11.to start the day开始一天

He had started the day in a good mood.他心情舒畅地开始了一天。

to start the day with sth以…开始一天

All of the passengers started the day with a swim.所有旅客一天中的第一件事是游泳。

12.to start with

To start with, United looked the stronger team.开始时, 曼联队看起来实力更强一些。

He was an engineer to start with, then a designer.他一开始是一位工程师, 后来成了一位设计师。


To start with, where and when did it happen?首先, 事情是在何时何地发生的?

Phrasal Verbsstart back,start in,start off,start on,start out,start over,start up




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