

单词 spread
释义 spread¹ /spred/(spreads,spreading,spread)
🄰 vt.
1.(open out)+ towel, cloth, map展开;铺开;打开;摊开
(move apart)+ arms, hands, legs伸展;张开;叉开

He spread a towel on the sand.他在沙滩上铺了一条毛巾。

His coat was spread over the bed.他的外套摊在床上。

He just shrugged and spread his arms.他只是耸了耸肩, 摊了摊双手。

Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far as they will go without overstretching.坐在地板上, 在不拉伤的前提下将双腿尽量叉开。

He stepped back and spread his hands wide. 'You are most welcome to our home.'他后退一步, 大大地张开双手说道:“非常欢迎你到我们家来。”

2.(distribute over period of time)+ repayments分期偿还;摊开
(share out)+ wealth, workload分摊;均摊

The job losses will be spread over a long period.失业现象还会持续很长一段时期。

In Northern California, a wildfire has spread a haze of smoke over 200 miles.在加利福尼亚州北部, 野火产生的烟雾已经蔓延了二百多英里。

3.+ paste, butter, jam涂;抹

Spread the mixture in the cake tin and bake for 30 minutes.将和好的面涂抹在蛋糕烤盘里, 然后烤30 分钟。

A thick layer of wax was spread over the surface.表面涂了厚厚一层蜡。

to spread sth on sth把某物涂在某物上面

He was spreading butter on a slice of bread.他当时正在往一片面包上抹黄油。

to spread sth with sth在某物上涂某物

Spread the bread with cheese.把面包抹上奶酪。

6.【烹】(prepare table)摆好(餐桌);摆放(餐具)
7.【烹】(lay out food)摆放(饭菜);端出(饭菜)
8.(disseminate among people)+ rumour, lies使流传;散布;+ disease, infection, fear传播;使蔓延

He was fed up with the lies being spread about him.他已受够了关于他的漫天的流言蜚语。

Mosquitoes spread the disease very quickly.蚊子传播这种疾病的速度非常快。

9.(force apart)把(栏杆、电线等)强行分开
11.【农】(lay out hay)展开, 摊开(饲草以晾干)
12.【农】(distribute over area)+ pollen传授;传播;+ seeds播撒;+ fertilizer
13.<非正式>(make yourself available)使在(尤指异性)中广受欢迎;使讨人喜欢
🄱 vi.
1.(be extended)arms, fingers +伸开;伸展;张开;展开
2.(cover larger area)fire, flood +蔓延;oil slick, stain +扩散;散开;渗开

Fire spread rapidly after a chemical truck exploded.一辆装有化学品的卡车爆炸后, 火势迅速蔓延。

A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt.一块深红色的污渍正在他的衬衫上渗开。

3.(be applied)butter, paste, jam +被涂开;被抹上
4.(be distributed)分布;分散
5.(be displayed)展现;展示;陈列
6.(affect or reach more people)disease, infection, fear +传播;蔓延;technology +普及;news +流传;散布

The news spread rapidly.消息传得很快。

The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.几百年前始于欧洲的工业革命目前正在全世界蔓延。

the sense of fear spreading in residential neighbourhoods在住宅小区中蔓延的恐惧感

7.(be forced apart)rails, wires +被分开
Phrasal Verbspread out
spread² /spred/ n.
1.(dissemination)+of disease, infection, fire蔓延;+of rumour散布;+of information, new ideas, technology传播;普及;+of oil slick扩散;+of wealth, workload分摊;均摊

The greatest hope for reform is the gradual spread of information.对改革最大的希望是信息能够因此逐渐传播。

Thanks to the spread of modern technology, trained workers are now more vital than ever.由于现代技术的普及, 现在训练有素的工人所发挥的作用比以往任何时候都更为重要。

The situation was complicated by the spread of a serious forest fire.一场森林大火的蔓延让情况更加复杂。

There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。

2.(range)+of opinions广泛;多样

A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in primary schools with a typical spread of ability.在学生个体能力差异很大的小学, 基于话题的教学方法会难以评估。

3.<非正式>(span)+of wings(飞机的)翼展
4.(extent of space/time)展开;伸展;扩展;延展;延长
5.<主美,加拿大>(area of land)大农场;大牧场;大片土地
6.(extent)(某物伸展或扩展的)程度, 范围, 限度, 界限
9.【烹】(spreadable food)(可涂抹在面包等上的)酱, 汁

a wholemeal salad roll with low-fat spread涂有低脂酱的全麦色拉面包卷

cheese spread干酪酱
chocolate spread巧克力酱
a double-page spread跨页
11.(widening of hips)(臀部和腰部的)发福
12.【股】(difference between bid and offer price)差价

Market makers earn their livings from the spread between buying and selling prices.做市商靠赚取买卖差价为生。

13.【股】(excess of price)(股票的)价差(同只股票公售价格与证券包销人售价之间的差额)
14.<主美>(double option)双重期权;双向期权
15.【珠宝】(size of gemstone)(宝石的)表观大小(以克拉为单位)
spread³ /spred/ adj.
2.【珠宝】+ gem扁薄的
3.【言语】(of lips)(双唇)展开的
4.【言语】(of speech sounds)(语音)双唇展开发音的




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