

单词 ban
释义 ban¹ /bæn/ n.
+ imports对…的禁令

the EU ban on imports of meat treated with growth-enhancing hormones欧盟对用含促生长激素肉类的进口禁令

a ban on tobacco advertising烟草广告禁令

There was a UN ban on military flights over Bosnia.联合国对波斯尼亚实行军事禁飞。

a ban on doing sth做某事的禁令

a ban on using mobile phones whilst driving开车时禁用手机的规定

to lift a ban on sth解除对…的禁令

The General lifted a ban on political parties.将军解除了党派的禁令。

to impose a ban on sth实施对…的禁令

The Government may impose a complete ban on imports of live birds.政府可能会全面禁止进口活禽。

(on sports player)三场禁赛

He received a three-match ban for violent conduct.他因暴力行为被禁赛三场。

2.【史】(proclamation of outlawry)公告;(尤指)宣布非法的告示
4.【史】(summoning of vassals)(英国封建社会时期向封臣发出的)出征诏令
ban² /bæn/ vt.(bans,banning,banned)
1.+ activity, smoking, alcohol, advertising禁止;取缔;+ person, sports player禁止…参加

McEwan's play was banned by the BBC.麦克尤恩的剧本遭英国广播公司禁播。

Canada will ban smoking in all offices.加拿大将在办公场所全面禁烟。

Last year arms sales were banned.去年实施了武器禁售。

FIFA's decision to ban him for six games国际足联对他禁赛6场的决定

+ match, competition禁止某人参加

The athletics authorities banned him from the race.田径管理部门禁止他参赛。

+ country禁止进入

The BBC were banned from the country.英国广播公司在该国遭禁。

to be banned from doing sth被禁止做某事

Under-18s will be banned from using gaming machines.18岁以下未成年人将被禁止玩游戏机。

He is banned from entering the US.他被禁止入境美国。

He was banned from driving.他被禁止驾车。

2.<南非>(restrict movement)(旧时南非政府)限制(政治嫌疑犯)的活动

He was banned from attending gatherings in seven major towns.他被政府禁止在7个主要城镇参与集会活动。

3.<古>(to curse)诅咒
ban³ /bæn/ n.( 复bani)
【货币】(in Romania and Moldova)巴尼(罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦货币单位, 100巴尼=1 列伊)




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