

单词 some
释义 some¹ /重读sʌm;非重读səm/ determiner
1.(talking about an unspecified amount)一些;一点儿;若干

Would you like some bread?你想吃点面包吗?

Let's have some champagne.我们喝点香槟酒吧。

She went to fetch some books.她去取几本书来。

Some children refuse to eat at all and others overeat.有些孩子根本不吃饭, 另外一些孩子则暴饮暴食。

some people say that...有人说…

Some people say that the only bad decision is not deciding at all.有人说, 最糟糕的决定就是根本不作决定。

some more再来一些

Help yourself to some more roast beef.请再吃点烤牛肉吧。


I have discussed this topic in some detail.我已经相当详细地探讨了这个话题。

I spoke to her at some length yesterday.我昨天和她谈了不少时间。

3.(a little)少许的;几分的

Show him some respect.对他尊重一点。

Some fishing is still allowed.偶尔钓钓鱼仍然是允许的。

to some extent在某种程度上

All parents share in the stress of a wedding to some extent.所有父母在婚礼时多少都有点紧张。

4.(talking vaguely)某个;某一;某些

Some idiot drove into my car.有个笨蛋撞了我的车。

Some people never learn.有人从不学习。

some …orother某种…;某个…

He made some excuse or other.他找了某个借口。

5.<口>(expressing approval)相当不错的;了不起的
(expressing disapproval)说不上的;谈不上的

That was some game!那场比赛打得真不错!

Some help you are!你这也叫帮忙!

some² /重读sʌm;非重读səm/ pron.
1.(talking about an unspecified amount)一些;一点儿;若干

I'm making coffee. Would you like some?我正在冲咖啡。你要不要来点?

The apples are ripe so we're going to pick some.苹果熟了, 我们打算去摘一些。

some more更多一些
2.(referring to part of an amount or number)一部分

When the chicken is cooked I'll freeze some.鸡肉煮熟以后, 我会把一部分冷冻起来。

some of sb/sth…中的一些;…中的一部分

Some of us are sensitive to smells, others remember colours more easily.我们有些人对气味敏感, 而另一些人则很容易记住颜色。

She sends some of her wages back home.她把一部分工资寄回家。

some of the time一部分时间

3.and then some<口>远不止这些;此外还有不少

The movie covered its costs and then some.这部电影不仅收回了成本, 还大有盈余。

some³ /sʌm/ adv.

He waited some 80 to 100 yards from the big pink villa.他在离粉色的大别墅80到100码远的地方等着。

The headquarters is some 30 miles due west.大本营在正西方约30英里处。

2.<美,非正式>(a little)稍微;有一点儿;有些

He decided we should spend Christmas in Acapulco. There we could ski some and relax.他觉得我们应该去阿卡普尔科过圣诞节, 在那里我们可以稍微滑滑雪放松一下。





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