

单词 solid
释义 solid¹ /ˈsɒlɪd/ adj.
1.(not liquid or gas)+ matter, waste固体的;固态的

It froze and became one solid block.它冻成了一整块。

frozen solid冻实的
2.(without holes or gaps)+ rock, wall, mass实心的;非中空的;无空隙的

a solid wall of multicoloured trees五彩缤纷、密密实实的林带

3.+ gold, silver, wood, pine纯质的;纯的
solid gold纯金

Is that bracelet really solid gold?那个手镯真是纯金的吗?

4.+ reputation, experience稳固的;扎实的;+ evidence, alibi, information确凿的;可靠的
5.(dependable, reliable)+ person可信赖的;正直的;+ background真实的;可靠的;+ advice切实有用的;明智的

You want a husband who is solid and stable, someone who will devote himself to you.你需要一个可靠而稳重的丈夫, 一个全心全意对你的人。

She regarded them as solid, good people.她认为他们都是值得信赖的好人。

Jane was at least able to give me some solid advice.简至少能够给我一些切实有用的建议。

6.(strongly built)+ structure, house, car坚固的;牢固的;结实的

They walked between the lines of solid Victorian houses.他们走在两排坚固的维多利亚时期的房屋中间。

The car feels very solid.这辆车让人感觉很皮实。

7.(substantial)+ meal丰盛的;丰足的

He eats three solid meals a day.他一日三餐吃得很丰盛。


We waited two solid hours.我们等了整整两小时。

a solid day's work一整天的工作

9.(financially sound)资金雄厚的;殷实的;有偿付能力的
10.(firm)+ basis, foundation, coalition牢固的;坚实的
(unanimous)+ support一致的

Washington's attempt to build a solid international coalition华盛顿试图建立一个稳固的国际联盟的努力

12.+ compound word无连字符的;连写的
13.(in printing)+ text密排的;行与行之间无间隙的
14.+ writer胜任的;功底扎实的;+ performance上佳的;精彩的

All I am looking for is a good solid performance.我只希望有一个上佳的表现。

15.(of uniform colour)纯色的;单色的
16.(in politics)+ seat, majority有把握赢得的;安全的

This is a state that should have been solid for the Republicans.这个州对共和党人来说本应十拿九稳。

18.to be on solid ground基础稳固;站得住脚
solid² /ˈsɒlɪd/ adv.

I read for 2 hours solid.我连续看了两小时的书。

2.(without spaces)密密麻麻地;密密实实地;紧密相连地

The car park was absolutely packed solid with people.停车场被人挤得水泄不通。

solid³ /ˈsɒlɪd/ n.
1.(3-D object)立体图形
2.(3-D object and volume within it)立体

Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures.固体在特定温度条件下会变成液体。





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