

单词 balk
释义 balk¹ /bɔːk; bɔːlk/
🄰 vi.
1.(recoil)person, institution +畏缩不前;退缩

Last October the bank balked, alarmed that a $24m profit had turned into a $20m deficit.去年十月这家银行因为2,400万美元的利润变为2,000万美元的赤字感到惊恐, 因而畏缩不前。

+ task, fact, idea, sum of money在…面前退缩

Some EU governments will balk at the huge sums involved.一些欧盟国家政府会因其中所涉及的巨额款项而退缩。

He balked at the idea of murder.他在谋杀的念头面前退缩了。

to balk at doing sth对做某事畏缩不前;不愿意做某事

I balked at cleaning the lavatory.我不愿意打扫卫生间。

They balk at paying more than 40% of their income in tax.他们不愿意将40%以上的收入都缴了税。

2.(stop suddenly)horse +突然停住;骤然止步
+ fence, jump在…前骤停

My horse balked at the high fence and refused to move.我的马在高栅栏前突然停住, 一步也不肯迈了。

🄱 vt.
1.(thwart)+ person阻止;阻碍;妨碍

He was balked in his plans.他的计划受阻。


A fellow driver criticized him for weaving about on the track to balk those who try to overtake.一名同场竞技的车手指责他为了挡住想超车的人在赛道上穿来穿去。

3.(avoid)+ question回避

He balked the question.他回避了这个问题。

balk² /bɔːk; bɔːlk/ n.
1.(timber beam)大木梁
2.【建】(roof beam)系梁;梁木
3.(unploughed ridge)(用于防止土壤侵蚀或划分地界的)埂, 垄




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