

单词 smoke
释义 smoke¹ /sməʊk/ n.
1.(gaseous substance)烟;烟雾

A cloud of black smoke blew over the city.一团黑烟掠过城市上空。

2.(from cigarette)烟;一缕烟

The air was thick with cigarette smoke.空气里弥漫着浓浓的烟味。

His cigar filled the room with smoke.他的雪茄让房间里烟味扑鼻。

3.(act of smoking)吸烟;抽烟

Someone came out for a smoke.有人走出来抽了一根烟。

I remember my first smoke.我记得我第一次抽烟的情景。

to have a smoke吸烟;抽烟

We went outside to have a smoke.我们出去抽了根烟。

4.<非正式>(cigarette, cigar)香烟;雪茄

She bought a packet of smokes.她买了一包烟。

5.<非正式>(substance for smoking)烟草;烟叶;大麻

Have you got any smoke?你有烟吗?

6.(something with no substance)虚无;泡影

Everything turned to smoke.一切都化作了虚无。

to go up in smokeorto end up in smoke
(be destroyed by fire)被火烧毁

Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke.成百上千的珍贵书籍付之一炬。

(end in failure)完全落空;化为泡影;以失败告终

Their dreams went up in smoke after their business collapsed.他们的公司倒闭后, 他们的梦想也随之破灭。

there's no smoke without fireorwhere there's smoke there's fire无风不起浪
smoke² /sməʊk/
🄰 vt.
1.+ cigarette, cigar, pipe吸;抽

He smokes cigars.他抽雪茄烟。

I hadn't smoked a cigarette in five weeks.我五个星期没有抽过一根烟。

2.【烹】+ meat, fish, cheese熏制
3.(fumigate)+ room(为消毒或净化空气)烟熏
4.(darken)+ glass熏黑
5.+ yourself通过吸烟使(自己)进入某种状态

They smoked themselves sick.他们抽烟抽出病了。

6.<废>(tease, mock)取笑;嘲弄
7.<古>(suspect, detect)怀疑;侦查
🄱 vi.
1.person +吸烟;抽烟

I've never smoked.我从不抽烟。

2.chimney, fire +冒烟

The chimney was smoking fiercely.烟囱里冒出股股浓烟。

3.<俚>(move fast)快速移动;一溜儿烟地移动
Phrasal Verbsmoke out




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