

单词 bald
释义 bald /bɔːld/ adj.
1.+ person, head秃头的;秃顶的;秃的

The man's bald head was beaded with sweat.那个男人的秃头上布满粒粒汗珠。

to go bald变秃

He is going bald.他正在变秃。

to have a bald spotorto have a bald patch秃了一块

She saw the back of the man's head, and he had a bald patch.她看到了那个男人的后脑勺, 上面秃了一块。

2.+ tyre磨光的

If your car had four bald tyres, you would not be allowed to take it on the road.如果你的四个车胎都磨光了, 就不得开车上路。

bald patch磨光的一块

This tyre has a bald patch.这个轮胎有一块磨光了。

3.(blunt)+ statement, truth明白的;直截了当的;赤裸裸的

The bald truth is he's just not happy.事实明摆着, 他根本不幸福。

The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.公告是在官方新闻机构一份直接声明中宣布的。


There was a bald spot on the lawn.草坪上有一块是光秃秃的。


The play was performed on a bald wooden stage.戏剧在一个光秃秃的木制舞台上演出。

6.【动】(with white head)(鸟、兽)白头的, 头面部具白斑的
7.【动】(without hair, fur/feathers)(鸟、兽)秃头的, 头面部无毛的




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