

单词 smack
释义 smack¹ /smæk/ n.
1.(slap; on face)掌掴
(on bottom)打屁股
to give sb a smack in the face掴某人一耳光
to give a child a smack on the bottom用手打孩子屁股
2.(sound of slap)掌掴声;拍击声

She heard the smack of fist against face.她听到了拳头打在脸上的声音。

the smack of ball against bat球拍击球的声音

3.(loud kiss)出声的吻;响吻

He gave me a huge smack on the lips.他给了我一个大大的响吻。

4.(sound made by lips)咂嘴声

He polished off his wine with an appreciative smack of his lips.他喝完了葡萄酒, 意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。

5.(smell, flavour)味道;风味

The sauce has a smack of nutmeg.这种调味汁带有肉豆蔻的味道。


He's out of his head on smack most of the time.他多数时间都因吸食海洛因而精神恍惚。

7.(distinctive trace)迹象;意味
the smack of corruption腐败的迹象
8.(fishing vessel)(带活鱼舱的)渔船
9.(sailing vessel)(沿英国海岸航行或捕鱼用的)单桅小帆船
10.have a smack at sth<非正式,尤英>尝试…
11.a smack in the eye<非正式,尤英>冷遇;挫折;打击

If the opposition succeeds, it will be a real smack in the eye for the government.如果反对派获胜, 将对政府造成真正的打击。

smack² /smæk/
🄰 vt.
1.(hit hard)用力击打

He smacked his hands down on his knees.他的双手使劲拍了一下膝盖。

to smack sth into sth用力把…击打进…

Tkatchenko smacked the ball into the back of the goal.泰卡真高把球猛击到球门的后面。

to smack into sthorto smack against sth撞向某物;碰到某物

The bullet smacked into a tree beside him.子弹射向了他身旁的一棵树。

The car smacked into a brick pillar at 130 km/h.这辆汽车以每小时130公里的速度撞上了一个砖砌的柱子。

The ball smacked against the inside of the post.球撞到了柱子内侧。

2.(slap)+ person, body part掌掴;掌击;拍打
3.(kiss noisily)出声地吻;响吻

He smacked Margaret on the lips.他响亮地在玛格丽特的嘴唇上亲了一口。

🄱 vi.
1.to smack of sth
(have characteristic flavour of sth)带有…的味道;具有…的风味
2.to smack of sth
(be suggestive of sth)含有…的意味;暗示…
3.to smack your lips(尤指在吃饭前后)咂嘴, 舔嘴唇(表示很想吃或吃得很香)
smack³ /smæk/ adv.

I fell smack onto the pavement.我猛地摔倒在人行道上。

smack in sthorsmack in the middle of sth在…正中间

The Hotel Savoy is smack in the middle of Florence.萨伏伊酒店恰好位于佛罗伦萨市的中心位置。

The other day he got hit by a ball smack in the eye.几天前, 一只球不偏不倚打到了他的眼睛上。





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