

单词 bail
释义 bail¹ /beɪl/ n.
1.【律】(temporary release)保释

Her lawyer is trying to obtain bail for her.她的律师正在为她争取保释。

Bail was denied.保释遭到拒绝。

+ prisoner准许某人保释

He has been granted bail until the hearing resumes.他已获得保释, 等待下次听证。

He was yesterday granted bail by South Yorkshire magistrates.他昨天被南约克郡的地方法官准予保释。

to be on bail处于保释期

He's on bail awaiting trial for murder.他处于保释期, 等待谋杀案的审判。

to be released on bail交保释放

He was released on bail pending an appeal.他交保后被释放, 等待上诉。

2.【律】(sum of money)保释金
to set bail at sth将保释金定为…

Bail was set at half a million dollars.保释金被定为50万美元。

to go bail for sborto stand bail for sb为某人充当保释人

She offered to stand £50,000 bail for her son.她提出交5万英镑, 为儿子充当保释人。

the bails横木
5.【农】(partition between stalls)(马厩中)隔离马匹的栅栏
6.【农】(portable dairy)移动乳品贮藏室
7.<澳,新西兰>(in cowshed)(挤奶时)扣住母牛头部的闸架
8.(semicircular handle)(壶、桶的)半圆形拎环
9.(semicircular support)(布篷等的)半圆形篷架
10.(on typewriter)(打字机上的)压纸杆
to jump bail保释期间逃跑

He had jumped bail last year while being tried on drug charges.去年他因毒品指控受审时在保释期间逃跑了。

bail² /beɪl/
🄰 vt.
1.【律】+ prisoner保释;准予保释

He was bailed pending psychological reports.在等待心理报告期间, 他获准保释。

He was bailed to appear before local magistrates on 5 November.他获得了保释, 将于11月5日出庭面见地方法官。

2.+ boat, water从…往外舀…

I bailed the boat dry and switched on the heater.我把船里的水舀干, 打开了加热器。

We bailed water from the leaky craft.我们从漏水的船里往外舀水。

🄱 vi.

They began bailing with their helmets.他们开始用头盔从船里往外舀水。

We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.我们拼命往外舀水, 让船漂了两个小时。

Phrasal Verbsbail out,bail up




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