

单词 sideline
释义 sideline¹ /ˈsaɪdˌlaɪn/ n.
1.(auxiliary business)副业;副产品

The rooms were merely a sideline to the more popular and lucrative restaurant.这些客房 对于更受欢迎、更赚钱的饭店来说, 不过是副业罢了。

2.(second job)副业;兼职

Mr. Means sold computer disks as a sideline.米恩斯先生以卖计算机磁盘作为副业。

He has several sidelines, none of which pay very much.他有好几份兼职, 但都挣钱不多。

sideline² /ˈsaɪdˌlaɪn/ vt.
1.(exclude)+ person阻止;排除

He had been under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined anyway.他承受着被迫辞职的压力, 不管怎样很快就会被扫地出门的。


Mercer will have his jaw wired up tomorrow and will be sidelined for six to eight weeks.默瑟明天要进行下颌骨固定手术, 将离开赛场 6至8 个星期。

3.(make less important)使不受重视;使靠边;使降格

What they fear is that environment policy will be sidelined until it is too late.他们所担忧的是环境政策不能得到及时的重视。





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