

单词 side
释义 side¹ /saɪd/ n.
1.+of person, animal体侧
to lie on your side侧卧

She lay on her side with her back to me.她背对着我侧躺着。

by sb's side在某人旁边;在某人身边

He stood by my side.他站在我旁边。

She never left my side.她从不离我左右。

2.(position or area to the right or left)一侧;一边;一旁

On one side of the entrance there's a plaque.入口处一侧有块匾。

a photograph with me in the centre and Joe and Ken on each side of me一张我夹在中间、两边是乔和肯的照片

to the side of sth某物的旁边;某物的一侧

To the side of the large star is a smaller star.大星星旁边有颗小一些的星星。

to stand to one side站到一边;站到一旁

I stood to one side to let him pass.我站到一旁, 让他过去。

the left side左侧;左边
the right side右侧;右边

He rolled back to his side of the bed.他翻身回到自己的那半边床上。

He was driving on the wrong side of the road.他开车在路上逆行。

The streets had houses on both sides.街道两侧都有房屋。

the right side of one's face人的右半边脸

the left side of the brain左脑

4.(not top or bottom)+of building, vehicle, box侧面;侧边

We put a notice on the side of the box.我们在盒子的侧面贴了一则告示。

There was a stone staircase against the side of the house.房子的侧面有个石梯。

(be tipped over)侧放着;翻倒

A carton of milk lay on its side.一盒牛奶平放着。

5.+of mountain, hill斜坡

We were driving up the side of a mountain.当时我们正沿着山坡向上行驶。

6.(inside surface)+of dish, container内侧

Lightly grease the sides of the dish.在盘子内侧稍稍抹一层油。

7.+of ravine, valley一侧;一边

It was a narrow valley with steep sides.那处山谷两侧山势陡峭。

8.(edge)+of lake, road边缘
by the side of the road在路边

There was a stall selling flowers by the side of the road.路边有个卖花的小摊。

by the side of the lake在湖边;在湖畔

They had a picnic by the side of the lake.他们在湖边野餐。

by the side of the bed在床沿上;在床边

She was kneeling by the side of the bed.她跪在床边。

9.(surface of flat object)+of fabric, paper, record, steak

Cook the burger evenly on both sides.汉堡包两面要烤均匀。

on the other side在另一面

What does the leaflet say on the other side?传单的另一面写了什么?

+of fabric, paper正面
+of fabric, paper背面;反面

I wrote three sides.我写了三页。

11.【数】+of solid, cube, shape, triangle

A cube has six sides.立方体有六个面。

12.【数】+of square, shape, triangle

A square has four sides.正方形有四条边。

13.(in dispute, war, argument)(战争、争论、辩论中的)一方, 一派

They made a fortune by selling arms to both sides.他们通过向双方出售武器发了财。

14.<英>(team)(参赛的)队, 一方

We beat the Scottish First Division side.我们战胜了那支苏格兰足球甲级联赛球队。

the winning side胜方;获胜队
the losing side负方;失败队
15.(point of view)+of argument, question观点;角度

He has the ability to see all sides of a question.他能看到问题的方方面面。


She can't see the funny side of things.她看不到事物有趣的一面。

to look on the bright side抱乐观态度;往好处想

Try to look on the bright side.尽量往好的方面想。

17.(character trait)(性格的)特征, 方面

He has a puritanical side to him.他有着古板拘谨的一面。

18.+of pork, beef, lamb肋肉
a side of一块…的肋肉

We bought a side of beef.我们买了一块牛肋肉。

19.(of family)家系;血统
on your mother's side母系的

He's an uncle on my mother's side.他是我舅舅。

on your father's side父系的

my grandmother on my father's side我祖母

20.(television channel)电视频道

Which side is the news on?这条新闻在哪个频道播出?

21.<美>(side dish)配菜
a side of sth一道…的配菜

He has no side.他没有一点架子。

from all sides
(from all directions)从四面八方

The cars were coming from all sides.汽车正从四面八方驶来。

(from all groups)来自各方

I was getting complaints from all sides.我接到了来自各方的投诉。

from side to side左右摇摆

The ship was swaying from side to side.船在左右摇晃。

to get on the wrong side of sb<非正式>不讨某人的喜欢;引起某人的厌恶;冒犯某人

She's got a terrible temper, you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her.她脾气很差, 你可别惹她不高兴。

to have sth on your sideorto be on your side具备某方面的有利因素

He has youth on his side.他有年轻的优势。

to keep on the right side of sb<非正式>避免得罪某人;争取某人的好感

It's best to keep on the right side of Ben.最好能讨本的欢心。

to let the side down使失望

You can't go home so early on our night out—you're letting the side down.我们晚上出来玩, 你不能这么早就回家——你会令大家扫兴的。

on the big, small, etc side有点大/小等;偏大/小等

This jacket's a little on the big side.这件夹克有点大。

He's quiet and a bit on the shy side.他很安静, 有点腼腆。

on the side
(in addition to usual)顺便;附带;另外

I'm trying to find a way of earning extra money on the side.我正试着找法子赚点儿外快。


He has a girlfriend on the side.他背地里有个女朋友。

(with main dish)作为配菜

Serve a bowl of warm tomato sauce on the side.上一碗热番茄酱做配菜。

to be on sb's side(在辩论或争论中)支持某人, 站在某人一边

He's on my side.他是站在我这边的。

They are on our side.他们是支持我们的。

to put sth to one sideorto put sth on one side
(not directly in front)把某物置于旁边;把某物放在一边

She put the letter to one side.她把信放在一旁。


She put all her worries to one side.她暂时把所有的烦恼都抛到了一边。

side by side
sit, stand +肩并肩地

The two girls were standing side by side.这两个女孩肩并肩站着。

work, live +共同;一起

We have worked side by side for many years.我们一起共事好多年了。

They have lived side by side for many years without conflict.他们已经共同生活多年, 一直相安无事。

to take sb's side(在辩论、争辩中)支持某人, 站在某人一边

She always takes his side.她总是站在他那边。

to take sides(在辩论、争辩中)支持一方, 选边站

I'm not going to take sides. They're both my friends.他们俩都是我的朋友, 我不会选边站。

to take sb to one side把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈)

The teacher took me to one side and asked if she could have a private word.老师把我叫到一边, 问她能不能单独跟我说两句。

this side of sth
(date or event)在某事物之前

A race between the two is now unlikely to take place this side of the world championships.现在看来, 两人是不太可能在世锦赛前进行比赛的了。

side² /saɪd/ comp.
1.(lateral)+ door, lighting, pocket, room旁边的;侧面的

Smithy left the side door open.史密斯没关侧门。

2.(from side)从一侧的;侧视的
a side view of the building楼房的侧景
3.+ benefit附带的;次要的;枝节的
side³ /saɪd/ vt.
1.(provide with sides)作为…的一侧;支撑

Steep rocks sided the valley.山谷两侧是满目陡峭的岩石。

2.(tidy)收拾, 清理(盘子、桌子等)
Phrasal Verbsside against,side with




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