

单词 sick
释义 sick¹ /sɪk/ adj.

She found herself with two small children, a sick husband, and no money.她发觉自己有两个年幼的孩子和一个患病的丈夫, 却没钱养活他们。

He was sick for four days.他病了四天了。

to fall sick生病
to be sick恶心;呕吐

He was sick in the toilet.他在厕所里吐了。

violently sick非常恶心
to feel sick感到恶心;觉得想吐
3.(for ill people)病人的

There is a sick fund for those who are unable to support themselves.有一项疾病扶助基金可以资助那些难以维持生计的病人。

4.(with fear, diappointment, worry)深受(恐惧、失望、忧虑等)困扰的

I was sick with worry.我担心得要命。

5.+ emotion, feeling强烈得令人难受的

I had a sick fear of returning to work.我对回去工作怕得要命。

6.(mentally disturbed)有精神病的;有心理疾病的
a sick and sadistic killer心理变态的虐待狂杀手
8.+ society, system有严重弊病的

We live in a sick society.我们生活在一个积弊颇深的社会中。

9.+ land不适宜特定作物生长的
10.+ humour, joke令人毛骨悚然的;病态的;+ mind不健康的

She made a rather sick joke about death.她讲了个关于死亡的令人毛骨悚然的笑话。

That's really sick!那太变态了!

11.to be sick of (doing) sth
(fed up)对(做)某事感到厌烦

I'm sick of your jokes.我听够了你的笑话。

to be sick of doing sth对做某事感到厌倦
12.as sick as a parrot<非正式>非常失望
13.to be off sick因病缺勤;因病缺席

I had flu and was off sick for a week.我得了流感, 有一个礼拜没来。

14.to be sick and tired of sth/sborto be sick to the back teeth of sth/sborto be sick to death of sth/sb<非正式>对某物/某人十分厌倦;极其讨厌某物/某人
15.look sick<俚>相形见绌
16.to make sb sick
(make vomit)使某人觉得恶心;使某人想吐
<非正式>(make angry/upset)使某人生气;使某人心烦

It makes me sick the way she treats him like a slave.她把他当做奴隶看待, 令我很生气。

<幽默>(make jealous)使某人嫉妒
17.sick at heart非常烦闷;忧心忡忡
18.sick to your stomach
(frightened, angry)非常害怕;非常生气
19.worried sick担心得要命的

I was worried sick when she didn't come home.她没回家, 我担心得要命。

sick² /sɪk/ n.
2.the sick
(sick people)病人

There were no doctors to treat the sick.病人没有医生治疗。

sick³ /sɪk/
Phrasal Verbsick up




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